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Judy Finnigan

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Deskdiary | 07:29 Tue 14th Oct 2014 | News
359 Answers
When I saw the headlines this morning I had a sharp intake of breath - surely a woman wouldn't 'excuse' rape?

However, having now seen a transcript, what she actually said was (lifted from the BBC website);

"If he does go back, he will have to brave an awful lot of comments," said Finnigan during her debut appearance on the lunchtime programme.

"But, having said that, he has served his time, he's served two years.

"The rape - and I am not, please, by any means minimising any kind of rape - but the rape was not violent, he didn't cause any bodily harm to the person.

"It was unpleasant, in a hotel room I believe, and she [the victim] had far too much to drink.

"That is reprehensible but he has been convicted and he has served his time."

Ultimately she's right, isn't she?

As unpleasant as this man is, he has served his time, and therefore shouldn't he be allowed to continue to pursure his chosen career?


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of course taking into consideration her age and, one would presume her lack of experience, has kval ever considered that there is also rape inside a marriage. it is still rape when not consensual.

this may be one area where she has no experience or knowledge.
She's lovely... I wish her all the best she often brought a smile to my face.
I shall enter no long opinion on whether there are degrees or shades of rape.

What I will say is that Judy's choice of words on a programme she knew the amount of coverage it would get were ill chosen at best.

Should Evans be re-employed? That is down to any potential employer to decide.
Never in all my (short lol ) life have I ever been so disappointed with so many people I thought were more than they plainly are. You are more interested in personal attacks and demeaning other posters than addressing the debate. Sadly for you you have to accept that people have differing opinions. You can blame that on age, on whatever you like, but it is distracting to threads on here, makes it impossible for me to debate properly here and generally undermines the whole purpose of a debate. I haven't been rude ( if you read back you will see that), I could be, but why would I be simply because some people have different views to me. I think this is what I find most extraordinary about some posters their absolute need to be right, or at least find a reason why someone else is wrong. What happened to respect when debating? What happened to common manners? AOG has just got a similar mauling by Andy for the same train of thought I have on another thread- I'm sure that's not because he's sixteen.We can slug away if you like with you slighting me and I slighting you- but that reduces all of us so I am bowing out perfectly happy that I might be possibly be wrong ( I don't think so at the moment but I am open to the idea) but pretty *** sure that even if I am have conducted myself properly and not been rude.
The starred out word is dam with an n on the end- another extraordinary thing:(
I'm late to this thread but I agree with Judy Finnegan and I broadly share Kvalidars view.

kvalidir - "AOG has just got a similar mauling by Andy for the same train of thought I have on another thread- I'm sure that's not because he's sixteen."

I assure you I do not do 'maulings' - I was unfortunately sarcastic in one of my responses to AOG, but I did withdraw the spirit of that comment, and apologise - so if we are going to castigate each other, let's ensure we tell the whole story.

Your age - of which I was unaware until this moment - has had no bearing whatever in my responses to you, simply because I did not know how young you are - had i done so, I may well have responded differently on some occasions, if not others.

I will debate equally vigourously with any and all posters on AB - and I fully accept and expect the same from them.

If i think a poster is being unreasonable in their view, i will call them on it, and again, I fully expect and welcome the same.

My criticisms of your posts have been just that - criticisms of your posts, which is not at all the same as criticsms of you personally, which is how you appear to have received them and if that is the case, then please accept my apologies.

If you are stating your intention to bow out of this individual thread, then that of course is your right, but as I have advised ewarlier, I would never want anyone to walk away from the AB because they fell they have been attacked, or undermined in any way.

On that basis - thanks for taking part, and i do hope we will all see you on another thread on another day.


/// I think this is what I find most extraordinary about some posters their absolute need to be right,///

have you covered irony yet?? You're off because you have that self same need, yes I see the comment that I might be wrong but it doesn't alter the fact. You are, imho, disguising the fact by labelling us as effectively miserable old gits when really you're jumping ship because Andy-Hughes rightly called you out.
You want to debate stick around you'll get debate, but remember debate is allowed to have passions, its okay to be come passionate about a topic and maybe not be as polite to each other as some may demand.

It really is your choice....
I am no where near as articulate as many who have posted here but feel I have to say this.

Andy, I have always had a great respect for you and the passionate way you present your points and opinions - however on this thread it has come across at an attempt of domination to all who may disagree even slightly with your views.

I find that disappointing.
Mamy........what a brave post....I agree entirely, it has become the Andy-Hughes show.
Sqad, I was uncertain whether to post it but would rather say how I feel than sit here and not.

I realise Andy is a stalwart and well respected so I await my fate.
I'd feel safe with Andy......a good quality for a man to have....☺
So would I Gness, that was never in doubt.
...exactly what I was thinking, gness. Even if you couldn't get a word in edgeways...
Unfortunately kvalidir I would agree with others that your earlier multiple choice post was both exactly that and less than helpful. At times Andy has been the same and I called him out on that too. But right now you ought to backtrack. Most of the posters here are conducting themselves reasonably, or as reasonably as can be expected given such a topic. Heated it will be. You ar right now taking the discussion away from the debate and towards the debaters and I would suggest that you move on.
Mammyalynne - "I am no where near as articulate as many who have posted here but feel I have to say this.

Andy, I have always had a great respect for you and the passionate way you present your points and opinions - however on this thread it has come across at an attempt of domination to all who may disagree even slightly with your views.

I find that disappointing."

Thank you for your kind words.

I am sorry to read that I disaapoint you, and that you feel that my postings are, or have been "... an attempt of domination to all who may disagree even slightly with your views"

My position is, as it has always been - I will debate any point with any AB'er because that is how I am, and have always been - no exceptions.

I have never ever thought about, much less attemtped 'domination' in any sense of the word.

I have the same access to the site as everyone else. I have the same right of response, I abide by the same rules, I put my point with passion and conviction.

If others choose to be equally forthright, verbose and passionate, then all power to them - but that does not equate with any 'domination' - at least not in my understanding of the word.

I do hope that you will see that I am merely pushing my viewpoint, but that is not, I believe, at the expesne of anyone else's viewpoint.

i will argue, and diagree fervently, and I will disparage any posts that i feel dserve it, and of course, that option is open to any and all on here.

But I do not personally belittle or attack people, and if it is perceived that I have, I am willing to apologise, and have done so, today actually, on a separate thread.

So once again, my apologies if you feel that I am being over-dominant - it is not my intention, promise.
pixie - "...exactly what I was thinking, gness. Even if you couldn't get a word in edgeways..."

LOL xx!!
well well...we are all getting a bit heated one who has been lying in a sick bed this last week i did see Judy and felt a certain sympathy for her being attacked so....whilst rape is rape is rape...and WRONG.. a woman also has a duty of care to this case the lady in question made some very bad deciscions and , to her mind, paid a price...but she nevertheless placed herself in this vulnerable position and was not dragged of the street as an unwilling would be disengenious to beleive she did not know that she had made herself available....
:-) x
Andy of course you have very right, and I know you will continue.

I am sure we will continue to interact on many other topics in the future.

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