Mammyalynne - "I am no where near as articulate as many who have posted here but feel I have to say this.
Andy, I have always had a great respect for you and the passionate way you present your points and opinions - however on this thread it has come across at an attempt of domination to all who may disagree even slightly with your views.
I find that disappointing."
Thank you for your kind words.
I am sorry to read that I disaapoint you, and that you feel that my postings are, or have been "... an attempt of domination to all who may disagree even slightly with your views"
My position is, as it has always been - I will debate any point with any AB'er because that is how I am, and have always been - no exceptions.
I have never ever thought about, much less attemtped 'domination' in any sense of the word.
I have the same access to the site as everyone else. I have the same right of response, I abide by the same rules, I put my point with passion and conviction.
If others choose to be equally forthright, verbose and passionate, then all power to them - but that does not equate with any 'domination' - at least not in my understanding of the word.
I do hope that you will see that I am merely pushing my viewpoint, but that is not, I believe, at the expesne of anyone else's viewpoint.
i will argue, and diagree fervently, and I will disparage any posts that i feel dserve it, and of course, that option is open to any and all on here.
But I do not personally belittle or attack people, and if it is perceived that I have, I am willing to apologise, and have done so, today actually, on a separate thread.
So once again, my apologies if you feel that I am being over-dominant - it is not my intention, promise.