kvalidir - "You do understand Andy that this cuts two ways as well- a lot of Muslim families request Muslim drivers ( all over the country)- which in your world is equally racist but unlikely to be called out."
Yes I do understand this, and I would wish to point out that it's not in 'my world', it's just in the world.
"I am not a racist, most Taxi drivers I have encountered are Asian, I have had no problem with them, my one brother was robbed by one once, but there is the odd bad egg and no-one in our family would dream of requesting someone of a particular race. However Rochdale is not a massive place and like it or not some people will err on the side of caution with their personal safety and request a white driver because two Asian drivers were convicted, in Rochdale that particular erring would probably hold statistically true. You can't force the terribly slow eradication of racism when people become frightened of something, you only encourage more cohension between the two communities in positive ways, which sadly I think will be a long time coming."
Now that I entirely agree with - absolutely no argument.
The thrust of my point, which I know you would agree with - is that simply boycotting an ethnic minority on the basis of criminal behaviour is not a good way for people to behave, it simply accents divisions which are hopefully, by degrees, being broken down as generations progress.
I would love to hope that you will see as much progress in this area by the time your reach my age, as I have seen since I was yours.