Crosswords31 mins ago
How Canada Deals With Racists/bigots/islamophobes (Delete Where Applicable)
After the recent horrific murder of the soldier and attack on their parliament building, this social experiment seems to suggest that it's difficult to stir up racism (or technically 'Islamiphobism') amongst Canadians:
http:// www.was hington m/blogs /worldv iews/wp /2014/1 0/28/wa tch-can adians- stand-u p-to-an ti-musl im-bigo t/
I strongly believe the most decent Britons would react similarly if the scene were repeated here, despite the efforts of some to paint all Muslims as terrorists or de facto supporters of terrorism.
What do you think?
I strongly believe the most decent Britons would react similarly if the scene were repeated here, despite the efforts of some to paint all Muslims as terrorists or de facto supporters of terrorism.
What do you think?
Personally I don't think it's because the chap was dressed/ acting like a Muslim. What I think this highlighted was the VICTIM. I don't think it mattered he was a 'muslim'. If the person had been dressed in any garb, had been j Jewish, had been any faith, creed or colour, the public reacted JUST because the person picked on was a victim..... think about it.
17:58 Wed 29th Oct 2014
What a load of old pony. Yes most get it that not all muslims are terrorists and in recent times I have been impressed by many of them speaking out against extremism and having some sort of attempt at putting their own house in order. I will be impressed when all the muslim religious leaders in places like Mecca start banning them from their religion and stopping them entering the middle east for example, banning them from the haj and when they are banned from mosques world wide etc. I'll be impressed when SA starts using it's weapons to assist the allies in Syria and Iraq. For now I'll fail to be impressed by all the doo gooding liberal who come out after every attrocity and scream from the roof tops what a bunch of good guys they really are. This lates twee experiment proves nothing, we'd all defend arbitrary attacks ragardless of the target.
I guess it confirms that most people are basically decent and will step in when they see someone being bullied.
Now, what I'd really like to see is a reversal of the situation, where someone is being harrassed for something in a muslim area/country, (inappropriate dress perhaps), and lots of other muslims intervene to prevent the abuse, and maybe punch the offending tw5t on the nose.
Now, what I'd really like to see is a reversal of the situation, where someone is being harrassed for something in a muslim area/country, (inappropriate dress perhaps), and lots of other muslims intervene to prevent the abuse, and maybe punch the offending tw5t on the nose.
Thanks for the answers everyone.
This reminds me of a very similar exercise carried out by an American broadcasting company, where a young Muslim is being abused by a racist (actually an actor) in a small supermarket.
From what I remember, most people shuffled away, looking embarrassed, but no-one remonstrated with him...except one...
An American soldier...who firmly put the fella in his place
And furthermore, the soldier had recently returned from fighting in the Middle East.
I think it's quite lovely when you see decent folk standing up against bigotry. Especially when the voice of the silence majority turns out to lean towards tolerance and understanding, rather than (for want of a better word), 'swivel-eyed loonery').
This reminds me of a very similar exercise carried out by an American broadcasting company, where a young Muslim is being abused by a racist (actually an actor) in a small supermarket.
From what I remember, most people shuffled away, looking embarrassed, but no-one remonstrated with him...except one...
An American soldier...who firmly put the fella in his place
And furthermore, the soldier had recently returned from fighting in the Middle East.
I think it's quite lovely when you see decent folk standing up against bigotry. Especially when the voice of the silence majority turns out to lean towards tolerance and understanding, rather than (for want of a better word), 'swivel-eyed loonery').
I always find it very interesting when you defend Muslim fanatics SP, do you realize what your life (or lack of it) would be like under Sharia law. A damned sight worse than mine I can assure you, they would not extend any tolerance to you at all.
Swivel eyed loonies, cant resist a bit of name calling can you?
Swivel eyed loonies, cant resist a bit of name calling can you?
You should really apologise to me, as we both know that I have never once in my decade in AB, defended Muslim fanatics.
I totally understand that during the cut and thrust of debate, people sometimes overstep the mark and say things that on reflection they realise is wrong, but c'mon...don't be a jerk. What you have written is pure and utters cobblers.
If you feel that you are in the right in saying that, then fair enough - I will stop engaging with you on the News site and personally, I would be sad at taking that step, because I enjoy the banter/arguments with you. You, Svejk, AOG, ToraToraTora and
You should really apologise to me, as we both know that I have never once in my decade in AB, defended Muslim fanatics.
I totally understand that during the cut and thrust of debate, people sometimes overstep the mark and say things that on reflection they realise is wrong, but c'mon...don't be a jerk. What you have written is pure and utters cobblers.
If you feel that you are in the right in saying that, then fair enough - I will stop engaging with you on the News site and personally, I would be sad at taking that step, because I enjoy the banter/arguments with you. You, Svejk, AOG, ToraToraTora and
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