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I still have to make my mind up on this issue but I don't think we should be so dismissive of low-level crime. Some of this is now known as "anti-social behaviour" as nobody seems to use Plain English anymore, preferring instead
these daft euphemisms.
But this sort of thing makes some peoples lives a misery, and shouldn't be treated lightly. If there is a better way of dealing with these types of crimes, than a pilot scheme seems like a good way of finding out if its going to be effective.
When I was a kid in the 50's and 60's, being brought back home between two burly coppers was something to be ashamed about and our Dads never let us forget it. I know because I was caught riding pillion on a friends scooter, as a 14 years old and when he hadn't passed his test. I still had to appear before the Magistrates with my Dad in tow, and it was a deeply shameful occasion for both of us.
But I am a good boy now !