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Did You Change Your Name?

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horseshoes | 10:18 Sat 01st Nov 2014 | News
60 Answers

I changed mine from a fairly unusual surname and became one of a gazillion Joneses! My sister, a research scientist, changed hers but kept her maiden name professionally, simply because it's that name her papers are written in etc etc. My best friend didn't change hers because her husband has a surname she hates. What about other ABers?


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Legend had it that the Dean at my college was called Bucket but had to change to to Becket before his wife would marry him...
11:50 Sat 01st Nov 2014
I think most women do when they get married.
I don't think I'll change mine. My surname is not unusual but it's not common in England.
I did, my maiden name was a quite a mouthful and I was glad to get rid of it.

Ummmm, as a self professed geek I'd NEVER change my surname if I had yours, it's fabulous!

me yeah, I changed my surname twice (divorcee) and first name (by deed poll) once :-)
I did when I got married and changed it back to my own name immediately upon divorce. My name is MY name I will never ever take another person's name. I think its old fashioned for women to get rid of their own name and take somebody else's . It's like being a man's possession and being OWNED by him. It's the 21st century so why are some women STILL doing it?
Eccles, there's a joke there about your husband's being a mouthful, but as this isn't CB, i'll refrain ;-)
Yes I did as I think at the time, it was what you did. Two of my daughters changed theirs when they got married but another of my daughters added her husbands surname to hers, hyphenated.
Thanks B00 :-)
My maiden name is very uncommon in this country, I'm the only one with my name on FB. When I married OH I wanted to keep my maiden name but he was having none of it, he booked a holiday so I had no choice but to change my passport, now my surname is a really common one, though the anonymity of it is useful sometimes.
When we married my child bride and I had this conversation I did not like my surname and wanted to use her surname instead, unfortunately she was not fond of her surname,so we were stuck ,I had always wanted to change my surname as I fancied the surname DeVere no idea why , as it turned out my child bride liked my surname so there we are.
What is wrong with Mrs In A Mo anyway ?
Boo behave!

My name must be a good one as it was used for a character in a book :-) was mine.
Eccles, I like your name. It's punchy.
I changed my surname to Mr P's but kept my own surname as a middle name (not double barrelled).

My surnames past and present are both very famous names. Previous was a famous film star and present was a convicted murderer!
Oh Barsel! talk about extremes.
Awww, thanks Rocky :-)
I'm considering getting hypenated......but then I'm going to sound more like a residence than a person. :o)
You don't have to take either spouses name, you can have any surname you choose.
I was very proud to do so.

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