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Hi Talbot
There is something in my life that I HATE, that part is being outspoken, but I can not help the way I am, my lyrics is a part of me I enjoy as I can see in my mind by the way I put thing down ( Each to his / her own, my feelings, One of my Brothers Died in Aus a few years back, I put a Song together for his family, " Brother can you hear me" we come from a Costal Place called Bangor N.Wales, the Songs Starts with a Choir in the background & a voice singing to the sea, it sent waves like the call of the "WALES" It bounces across the Sea to Aus, Hence, " Brother can you hear me" I sent a few Lyrics to a comp in London Many many years ago, one of these came back with a comment, if you can re-arrange the words we can do something with it, Something was done with e Lyric but I did not have copy write, OH well, that's life, I write when I down, then I can see where I'm going.