Quizzes & Puzzles9 mins ago
40 Years Ago.
I can hardly believe it's been 40 since the Birmingham pub bombings, and still no one bought to justice for these atrocities.
http:// www.msn .com/en -gb/new s/magaz ine/bir mingham -six-40 th-anni versary -of-pub -bombin gs-that -led-to -one-of -the-wo rst-mis carriag es-of-b ritish- justice /ar-BBf 1WIp
If the real perpetrators had been brought to justice I imagine they would have been released and would hold senior positions in the government of Northern Ireland by now.
19:11 Fri 21st Nov 2014
Do you know this song? I can't find a you tube version.
E. Cowan/C. Moore
Hugh Callaghan, Paddy Hill, Gerry Hunter, Johnny Walker,
Billy Power, Dick McIlkenny that’s their names.
Five men playing poker on the Heysham train
Fate was dealing them a cruel hand
Hugh Callaghan walked home through the evening rain
Not knowing what lay in store for him
There’s traces of nitro on cigarettes and matches
On Formica tabletops and on decks of playing cards
When forensics found traces on the hands of these six men,
The police drove up from Birmingham
Hoping the case was closed
Have you ever seen the mug shots that were taken
After 48 hours in custody
Battered and bruised, haunted looks upon their faces
The judge accepted they confessed willingly
Please take another look at what you see
If you tell me my family are being terrorised
Keep me awake for six days and nights confused and terrified
In the lonely dark of night I will swear that black is white
If you’ll just let me lay down and close my eyes
Ill sign anything if you let me close my eyes
Scales of justice balance up your act
Am I talking to myself or to the wall?
Hugh Callaghan, Paddy Hill, Gerry Hunter, Johnny Walker,
Billy Power, Dick McIlkenny scapegoats all
For 16 years they were taking to the wall
E. Cowan/C. Moore
Hugh Callaghan, Paddy Hill, Gerry Hunter, Johnny Walker,
Billy Power, Dick McIlkenny that’s their names.
Five men playing poker on the Heysham train
Fate was dealing them a cruel hand
Hugh Callaghan walked home through the evening rain
Not knowing what lay in store for him
There’s traces of nitro on cigarettes and matches
On Formica tabletops and on decks of playing cards
When forensics found traces on the hands of these six men,
The police drove up from Birmingham
Hoping the case was closed
Have you ever seen the mug shots that were taken
After 48 hours in custody
Battered and bruised, haunted looks upon their faces
The judge accepted they confessed willingly
Please take another look at what you see
If you tell me my family are being terrorised
Keep me awake for six days and nights confused and terrified
In the lonely dark of night I will swear that black is white
If you’ll just let me lay down and close my eyes
Ill sign anything if you let me close my eyes
Scales of justice balance up your act
Am I talking to myself or to the wall?
Hugh Callaghan, Paddy Hill, Gerry Hunter, Johnny Walker,
Billy Power, Dick McIlkenny scapegoats all
For 16 years they were taking to the wall
I did a double take on this as there were people ( who didnt do it ) that were convicted and served time....
by the time they were let out - despite the gritted opposition of the Police it was far far too late to reinvestigate
see: http:// www.bbc .co.uk/ news/uk -englan d-birmi ngham-2 6931862
not a period of policing that anyone looks back on with any fondness.
Birmingham under Geoffrey Dear ( now Lord Dear ) then disbanded (1980) their serious crimes unit for corruption [collusion in destruction of evidence]
I did a double take on this as there were people ( who didnt do it ) that were convicted and served time....
by the time they were let out - despite the gritted opposition of the Police it was far far too late to reinvestigate
see: http://
not a period of policing that anyone looks back on with any fondness.
Birmingham under Geoffrey Dear ( now Lord Dear ) then disbanded (1980) their serious crimes unit for corruption [collusion in destruction of evidence]