Should This Be Banned Here Too? in The AnswerBank: News
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Should This Be Banned Here Too?

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youngmafbog | 12:44 Wed 03rd Dec 2014 | News
6 Answers

I'm in two minds, I can see benefits for some but I think that the information in the wrong hands could be very damaging. By that I mean getting a result from a screen rather than a doctor who can put it in perspective.

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Yes, it's not advisable to give the general public this kind of info, it will be misunderstood and cause l sorts of grief. The public are poor at processing this kind of information, look at the MMR fiasco!
Its my body, why shouldn't I know stuff about it? I think this one shouldn't be sold here because it doesn't seem to be accurate.
yeah isnt it a pity that this sort of thing wasnt around in Richard III's time ?

MMR - completely different. Wakefield set out to deceive -
Yeah-The wrong hands. Who Are they -the wrong hand types ?
Yes, apart from it's accuracy I have no idea why someone would allow their DNA samples to be stored on a supposedly private database.

I get enough rubbish coming through to my address or phone from supposedly private databases. You'll be getting dodgy medical practices contacting people and the gullible will be in a panic.
The thing is that these are tests offered by 'commercial organisations'....there are no safeguards as to whom, or where, the information can be sold on to.

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