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The End Of Page Three???

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sp1814 | 19:31 Mon 19th Jan 2015 | News
126 Answers
The sad demise of a harmless British tradition, brought low by a phalanx of hairy feminists and liberal yoghurt knitters?

Or the welcome eradication of a blatantly sexist anachronism in what purports to be a family newspaper?

You might assume from my inclusion of the words 'phalanx', 'anachronism' and 'purports' in the above questions, that I am one of the aforementioned liberal yoghurt-knitter, but personally I don't have any strong feelings one way or the other about the future of Page Three...

...other than it might make room for more stories about Kim Kardashian...which I think we can all agree is a very bad thing indeed.

Your thoughts?


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I only wish I could remember divebuddy !
FrogNog, it does sell ( financial and exxxtremely well ) but that is subordinate to its use as an instrument of control: by distraction, diversion and manipulation.
It is right before your programmed x 2( cellular and conditioned) eyes.
I'm fairly safe from that area of brainwashing sevenOP.
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divebuddy, sex can be like a drug.
Not sure where I lost you, but here is an outline;Page 3> titillation and on to my further posts .

Glad to hear you are safe from that area FrogNog, which makes you unique in my experience and as can be seen some of the posters are certainly not.
It's just one more little chip away at our freedom.

You newspaper will only contain things of which I approve.

And we are charmingly, but amusingly naive if we think it will stop at Page 3.

Chip, chip, chip, chip, chip ... it will never ... ever ... stop ...

... until we all think the same, look the same, dress the same, until ...

Oh, what the heck, let's just surrender to the insidious powers who want to crush us all into little models of themselves.

Next thing, they'll be telling us we can't smoke in pubs.

I believe it's been mentioned here previously that the type of Female that objects to Page 3 is the type of Female no-one wants to see on Page 3.
Who buys the Sun, anyway?

The last Sun I bought was the day before the Headline read

"We Support Tony"
I had this woman at work a few years ago - an Arab lady who was clad head to toe in black. I asked her if she would like a newspaper and she asked for The Sun. I wanted to say "How very dare you - what do you think this is, Ryanair"?
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You couldn't fit a urine pole into a urine hole. Women don't pee from their vaginas!

Yes, Page 3 is outdated. If you want to look at boobs, buy a 'lad's mag'.
Next target: the rest of the paper?
We shall see if and when it occurs. It's a harmless bit of fun that hopefully has helped our society to be less uptight & prudish about the naked human body; even if only bits of it were naked.
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Now this is interesting...the most common response hasn't been:

It's sexist


It's just a bit of fun


It's outdated.

As someone who is pretty ambivalent (the last time I bought The Sun, Michael Jackson was black and Madonna didn't look like a Iggy Pop), this is quite enlightening.

wolf63 - you wrote:

"I can't remember seeing the male models in any of the papers."

Actually, for a brief period, The Sun used to do 'Page Seven Fellas'.

It was (if I remember correctly) every Tuesday.

To this day, I have no idea who the hell that page was supposed to appeal to, because no-one really wants to see Trevor Brooking in a thong.*

(*Yes, that really did happen).
sigh..that old chestnut -any women with a modicum of dignity who objects to nudity in a daily newspaper must look like the back of a bus -what utter rubbish . If men want to go look at boobies go buy a magazine -I find the girls hilarious, stood with their knockers out, giving their opinions on current affairs. I never buy the Sun but get a lot of papers donated to wrap up things to ship from my shop and I have to go through the Sun taking out the page 3 so as not to offend my USA clients.
So what?
"As someone who is pretty ambivalent". You`re ambivalent because you`re a man!
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Oh 237SJ - believe me, there's a much more accurate reason why I'm ambivalent...

sp - very few people (of either sex) look good in a thong.

But other than Trevor Brooking were the guys pics just as cheap and tacky as the girl's pics?

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