My three tests missed much so ,personally speaking, you probably will not of missed much either by not having one.
My wife,with nearly fourty years experience in the NHS works in the day unit of a London Hospital in the endoscopy,colonoscopy unit so can speak on this subject with some authority. She also has little faith in the Faeces sample test.
In an ideal world and with time and money available every one should have a colonoscopy available to them as a matter of course if they have concerns.It is almost proof positive.
Her NHS Trust,St Georges, have plans to do a quicker less expensive test which will be available to 55yrs and above. It is called a Flexible sigmoidoscopy and investigates the lower third of the bowel where the cancer usually starts.
This scheme has already taken off in several other trusts throughout the country and hopefully will,sooner rather than later,be available nationwide. Sadly. Those in Wales shouldn't hold their breath judging by the way the Welsh NHS is performing.