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London Crime Wave

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retrocop | 21:21 Tue 10th Feb 2015 | News
95 Answers

Also reported in the London Evening Standard just in case the usual outraged lefties wish to have another pop.
Well heavens to Betsy Honey chile who wud of thought it.
Dem papers giving ammunition to dem EDL and BNP fellas.Why don't we have enough stick from the Feds shooting us in the USA for robbing the odd store without the Limeys reporting this white trash propoganda and maybe implying we are the main protagonists in these crimes"


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retro, were you also one of those upstanding police officer that invaded Yorkshire during the miners strike?
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Zacs Master,
Gromit has corroborated what I said earlier.So if Gromit said it then it has to be the truth doesn't it After all he must of been on the thin blue line during these turbulent troubles..Mrs Payne died as a result of police executing a lawful warrant. She died of natural causes.So are we going to have a conspiracy theory as to her cause of death. Yes let's keeping it going bros. My Nike trainers are worn out since the last riots. Lets have another one.
Sorry. I can't prove to you that I was in attendance at these disturbances or what I observed.If you will dismiss my eye witness accounts then you will have to deny a lot of previous history as well won't you?
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Strangely enough I did have occasion to visit a lot of mining areas during the miner's dispute. Never threw a block of concrete off a road bridge though to kill a miner who decided to work and not answer the call of King Scargill who helped kill the industry. Now that murderer was a true outstanding card carrying leftie. But let's not stray on another subject that tries to justify murderers and other wrong doers shall we.
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You should have just typed yes then. Hope you can't ride a horse

Well you started it, I only asked out of interest I never asked for reports on particular incidents.
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My God. That was brave."Evidence of a sub culture that is uncivilised, violent and law breaking by nature"
I never actually came out and said that but I have been accused of being inebriated and on a high by those who find the reported data unpalatable and dismiss as fantasy. How did you escape those accusations.? Must be my Avitar that upsets those on this site who happily support criminals , whatever race, colour or creed!!
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Interesting picture. Seen many scenarios like that for real.Would you rather tear gas, water cannon,baton rounds,live rounds being used.I feel sorry for the horses actually who had darts and other sharp instruments inflicted on them. They were innocent attendees at these riots/protests/violent demonstrations. But of course you only have my word for it because I am apparently drugged out of my skull and highly intoxicated by some accusers on this site who may have actual experience of these symptoms . I can truthfully claim seeing the aforementioned experiences,unlike some others ,but cannot claim experience of drug misuse and alcohol. I do live in the real world.
Interesting picture. Seen many scenarios like that for real.Would you rather tear gas, water cannon,baton rounds,live rounds being used.

No... I think giving innocent women a good old swipe with a truncheon is enough
to be honest.
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I seriously take your point on board and will agree it may have been unnecessary humour on my behalf to put that point across and should be retracted.
Do you have an ASPOM pin badge as well .Could be a collector's in later years though some might not be happy about that on this site. Arthur Scargill didn't pay the miner's mortgages though after he sold them down the river The Rupert Bear badges were a great cause as well.
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My experience ,which is greeted with scorn and disbelief, by some on this site taught me that some women can be no less innocent and viscious than men.
I can't see the humour in the OP. I would put a good few quid on some of the rioters being members of EDL or BNP.
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No I wouldn't expect you to understand that type of humour. It comes from a different breed of people who you probably have not worked with.
Don't think EDL had raised it's ugly head back in the 80's during the strike.
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