bazwillrun - // you wont change scum like this, so he needs to be eradicated one way or another, it really is that simple but its people like you who fog it all up and want to chat over a cup of tea about it. //
OK - let's look at our respective positions shall we?
You advocate 'eradication', which I would suggest is pointless, because one is simply replaced by another. IS is a hydra, cut off one head, and two more grow in its place.
My solution is to attempt (and of course it's not simple or easy, but that is not a reason not to try) to find out the differences between us, and see if they can be resolved.
Your solution has been tried, with military force, and catastrophic loss of money and lives, and singularly failed. It is said to be a definition of insanity to persist with the same circumstances and expect a different outcome.
My solution has been proven to work in Northern Ireland, which was seen as unsolvable situation for generations - so it has to be worth a try, because I cannot see any other feasible alternatives.