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Tv Debate Tonight

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mikey4444 | 08:58 Thu 16th Apr 2015 | News
42 Answers
I know we have discussed his ad nauseum here on AB before, but if everybody else will be present tonight, but not Cameron, or Cleggie, what is the point ?

What value is there in a Debate if one of the only two people that can win in three weeks time is left out ?

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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It's fairly obvious what Cameron is up to. After the debate he will use the predominantly Right-wing mass media to refute any anti-Tory claims made on the programme without fear of any contradiction (which would have happened if he had been present in the debate). He gets the last word. Job done.
11:38 Thu 16th Apr 2015
there is no point at all mikey, in this or the last one. The sooner we drop this silly US idea the better. Cameron may be doing as all a favour, I hope the broadcasters take the hint.
Clegg’s a non-entity, but that aside perhaps it's designed to give Ed a chance to waffle without credible opposition. ;o)

(Incidentally, I think he's been on a 'How to improve your image' course. He seems to be doing an awful lot of finger-wagging and staring straight at the camera in a kind of faux sincere manner these days. Just an observation).
Another one of those areas where there's agreement across the AB spectrum. For my part I would only like to see more TV debates if there is a change in the system towards a more presidential style of government and voting. In the present system of constituency MPs it makes little sense -- especially as Nicola Sturgeon isn't even standing for election, and Nick Clegg might still have some support across the country but is under threat in his own constituency.

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I agree TTT, but if a debate IS going to go ahead, dave is mad not to take part. If Cleggie isn't going to attend as well, who is going to defend the record of this Government's last 5 years ?
If Dave's not concerned why are you, Mikey? I'd have thought you'd be pleased.
looking forward to it.
big mistake I'd say in not attending. where else are they (politicians) going to get such a big audience to listen to them. either A) they just can't be bothered. which shows contempt for the voters. B) they are painting their kitchens for another photo shoot with ' the family'. as an aside. keep your children out of the limelight. !!!!
on the contrary mikey, he would be mad to take part, especially now as he's said he won't. The incumbant PM has nothing to gain from this process. I would be advising ED not to do it either. He's going to make himself look like one of the the non entities he's debating with. If he'd got any sense he should pull out and turn it into a lower division squabble.
"I know we have discussed this ad nauseum". Dear me.
Hope there ain't s Latin teacher round about.
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Oh but I am Naomi, I am !
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Typo VE !
Of coarse.
"I know we have discussed his ad nauseum here on AB before"

so why bring it up again ?
"Dog returning to..."?
anneasquith, //they are painting their kitchens for another photo shoot with ' the family'.//

Ed’s definitely not painting his kitchen tonight. He has a prior engagement.

Mikey, I’m sure you are.

V_E, :o)
'' he has a prior engagement' well it would appear he has his priorities wrong . where else is he going to get such a large audience to defend his time in office. and his vision for the future of Britain ?
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Anne...perhaps he doesn't want to. Maybe he thinks its time for Boris to take over, and then he can go back the quiet life in the Cotswolds.

Well, if having "country suppers" with Jeremy Clarkson and Rebekah Brooks counts as the quiet life, of course !
anneasquith, I said Ed has a prior engagement. I've no idea what Dave's doing, but he's said his bit and perhaps he feels now that he'll maintain his dignity and let the children scrap amongst themselves.
Just when it looks like Ed is gaining a bit of momentum going into this debate Emily Thornberry puts her foot straight in it over right to buy.If Labour want to maintain their stance on working people being able to achieve their aspirations then the attitude of people like her puts them off.
I see Naomi................ so maybe Dave is ' painting his kitchen ? :)

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