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Why Is Dave Even Bothering In Scotland?

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ToraToraTora | 15:47 Thu 16th Apr 2015 | News
51 Answers
Outside chance of 1 seat, that's it! The sweaties are either Labour or SNP, so concentrate your fire on the marginals, that's where the battle is.


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My word was blanked out. I was talking about the people from Pakistan. I rest my case.
I am repeating myself. but it's a pity TTT finds it necessary to use slang/rude/offensive names. because maybe he would be a good debater ? sadly we will never know.!
No 'could be' about it Anne.
He's amply aired his credentials as a master debater.

No offence mayte. :-)
/// "The World loves a trier!" ///

but they are all trying my patience
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it's not me that has stooped to name calling is it? and pete, I'm in mensa.
I'm in mensa !!
I do not think anyone takes anything you say seriously, Tora.
You make silly points whilst being demeaning, and lack the intelligence to see this.
Mensa? You?
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Keep the old barnett on mate, It is possible to disagree with people like you and still be intellegent.
It's 'intelligent' Mr Mensa.
"Sweaties" is not a derogatory term.

It's the accepted rhyming term for the Jocks.
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careful jj all the front door locks will be on your case, hang on, is that derogatory too?
Actually, I agree with the basic premise of the thread.

DC should just take the view ...

You know what? Bo***cks to it. It is simply not worth allocating resources to a campaign in Scotland.
I think that it is derogatory JJ,along with a few others on this site.

Do all of you Little Englanders indulge in this language when trying to communicate with each other.

One day you may use it in front of the wrong person and rue the consequences.
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I have not called anyone any names or threatened anyone, you should try in sirO.
What is the problem in speaking plain language that everyone can understand?
I find the pidgin English of the OP ridiculous and childish.
And Tora, your references to sweaties etc are rude and offensive.
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well all the whinning on here has ensured I use these harmless terms every day, well done.
i wonder if TTT ( mensa) man is just being a bit childish and best ignored ?
Can you please translate?
Mensa man?
Not what I would call a man.
Actually, most of France, and quite a lot of Belgium and the Netherlands, are closer to here than Scotland.

Just saying.

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