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Can An Ethnic Minority Woman Be Sexist And Racist?

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anotheoldgit | 16:12 Mon 18th May 2015 | News
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I don't think I have anything else to add!
Ha she's a nutter
This is because of a clash in definitions. In short her "racist" is your "institutionally racist" and your "racist" is her "discriminating". Hence, with her definitions she's entirely correct, as institutional racism or institutional sexism in this country is evidently that in which ethnic minorities or women are the victims of long-term, systematic discrimination and prejudice based on their gender or race, built in over centuries.

What's wrong with calling that "institutional racism" I still don't understand, although it was explained to me at length a little under a year ago now. But that is where the confusion lies.
Anyone can be sexist and/or racist save those with a disability preventing them from expressing a view.

For sure some less intelligent sexists and racists like to make themselves feel good by believing/claiming that they can't be as they are part of a group/minority popularly believed to be the victims of this sort of thing. But anyone who has managed an IQ level of double figures or more knows that is nonsense. That they are just discriminating inappropriately so they can do wrong and try to justify it.
Her statement just proved the opposite..

Nothing she has mentioned stops her being Racist and/or Sexist, anyone can be either or both, this is one seriously deluded little girl!
Just another mouth on a stick getting paid to agitate and justify her employment.
Like I said, it's about different definitions to start with. She's saying that women can't be institutionally sexist, or that ethnic minorities cannot be institutionally racist. Completely different meaning from the one you all are giving it.

Jim, please explain in words we can all understand, or as an alternative lighten up a bit, you might enjoy it!
I thought I had explained it earlier. It's a relabelling issue.

AB's "Institutional Racism" = Her "racism" (albeit with a slightly expanded definition of "institutional").
AB's "racism" = her "discrimination".

I'd say I'm fairly relaxed about it, I'm just trying to explain why it sounds like she's talking utter bull (although she also is... sometimes activists can take things just a little far (understatement)).
Only institutions can be institutionally racist.
I get your explanation jim, I still think she's a nutter though.
Even though she is wrong, she is still in a position of sudo authority and has influence over idiots.
Completely fruit-loop. She's in for a shock when she leaves Uni.
Of course she can, she proved it by her own words
She's talking very convenient codswallop.
I think this lady is in danger of strangling her argument with her own semanticism.

As is often the case, people will lose the subtle - but vital - intricacies of the point being made, and seize on the most obvious misunderstanding they can find, and then make that the statement, when it is clearly something different.

I think the lady in question is at fault.

When making public pronouncements where a degree of confusion is possible - which means any public statements where the media are concerned - it is the responsibility of the statement maker to ensure that ambiguity is excised as far as possible, in order to avoid potential misinterpretation, which in turn is in order to create an incorrect image of the person concerned.

Say what you mean, make it simple, and don't give people an excuse to misunderstand.
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Oh so 'kill all white men' and referring to us as 'white trash' are just institutional racism terms are they in your liberal/leftist world?

Do you happen to be white and male? Because if you are she also means you.

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She is also reported as saying:

/// “These are in-jokes and ways that many people in the queer feminist community express ourselves – it’s a way of reclaiming the power from the trauma many of us experience as queers, women, people of colour, who are on the receiving end of racism, misogyny and homophobia daily. ///

How queer is she?

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Can An Ethnic Minority Woman Be Sexist And Racist?

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