vetuste_ennem....apology accepted ! I thought that you were making a more general point about smoking in general.
I have already indicated that I don't really hold strong ideas about the use of e-cigarettes. I am not sure that enough research has been done, in the very short time that they have been available. It doesn't appear that there is anything like the risk to others in their use, compared with real cigarettes.
But cigarettes have been around for over 100 years, and it was comparatively recently that the tobacco lobby was still denying that there was any link to smoking and health.
Indeed, there are some people around that still won't accept the universally held view by the scientific and health, that smoking is bad for you. But these, I will admit, are a very small minority these days.
Lets not forget why e-cigarettes were invented by the smoking industry in the first place. It was the universal success of the law on smoking in public places. If people were still allowed to smoke in enclosed public spaces, we would never see these plastic things in sale. The tobacco companies have to make a profit somewhere.
I am still concerned though about the availability of flavours primarily designed to attract children. I see kids smoking these things on the way home from school in increasing numbers these days.
On a related subject, it looks as if Wales is going to ban smoking in cars, where children are present. I'm afraid that smoking is indeed on the run.