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A few years back I was in Dunbar High Street when I heard the crack of a rifle. I turned round and there was a guy on a cherry picker shooting at seagull's eggs along the rooftops!
Nooo, you can't just wantonly murder unborn baby seagulls!
I've been on a diving trip to Dunbar!
///AOG should award himself Best Answer for his post at 11.20. It is the best suggestion yet which, for those who didn't click the link, is to eat their eggs......///

I agree, but you'd never get it past the Animals Rights brigade.
Gulls are protected birds !!

You can't eat them ... or their eggs.

///However, only when there is a need to preserve public health or public safety authorised persons may take, damage or destroy herring gull nests; or take or destroy herring gull eggs.///

Oops, meant to include this bit

///Only the owner of a building or the occupier can take action against the herring gulls on it but they can give someone else permission to act on their behalf. ///
Would the hove gulls have better manners jj?
///you can't just wantonly murder unborn baby seagulls!///

...but you can humans. What a weird society we live in.
vulcan ... the Hove gulls would all be older!
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/// I was going to suggest we start a new game. Guess who had an answer removed and guess, roughly, what it said. ///

At least the poster of the particular thread should be informed.
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/// Nooo, you can't just wantonly murder unborn baby seagulls! ///

Much more humane than dropping them in water and then boiling them.
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/// Gulls are protected birds !! ///

Why surely they are not in danger of extinction are they?

They have been described as 'rats with wings' so why is it that some 'rats' are protected yet others are not?
Seagulls are the most charismatic of all our native birds.

They are quirky, and elegant.

They have adapted to survive in harsh coastal environments.

We should admire and love them ... not persecute them.
They have adapted to survive in harsh coastal environments

Not unlike your good self then?

But the national bird is the killer robin. Quirky isn't enough.
Yes, like me.

Thank goodness for pubs, and Waitrose, otherwise it would be a harsh existence down here.

People who live inland just don't understand the challenges we face.
true, you don't get the piers in London burning down all the time.
Our piers don't burn down "all" the time. Just sometimes. :o/

On the plus side, as the West Pier is now effectively cut off from the beach, all the starlings have somewhere to live, without being disturbed.
in Musselburgh, East Lothian..the council takes a cherry picker and knocks down all the nests eggs !

Minty, you have to stop them doing that!

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