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mushroom25 | 17:51 Wed 12th Aug 2015 | News
51 Answers
Uzbekistan Airways to weigh passengers...

Fattist? or a sensible tactic, bearing in mind overloading caused by underestimation of average weights has caused accidents in the past....



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But you don't get charged extra for being bald.
What if all the passengers on an Airbus were 15 stone blokes!

So all 320 passengers were 6 stone heavier than me ... (ahem ... whistles)

That's an extra 1,920 stone.

That's an extra (taps calculator ...) 26,880 lbs ... is that right ?????

That's an extra 12 TONS !!

HOW is that aircraft going to take off ????

If you're sitting on a plane, and the Pilot says ... "We have been asked to carry an unexpected item weighing 12 TONS!" ...

... wouldn't you want to get off the plane????

That's like putting about ten small cars on the plane.


And, as youngmafbog says ...

Despite the extra 12 tons of blokes' flabby stomachs, I get charged extra if I have 1kg too much in my suitcase ???
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Are you suggesting that a passenger plane ought not be able to fly with 30 ton of human cargo without a problem ? Plus cases of course. Maybe everyone over 6 stone should be barred and have done with it.
less than svelte my self I do agree but if we are going to charge different amounts it has to be done on fat percentage rather than the disastrously wrong BMI that Docs insist on. There are a lot of heavy people that are not fat, should they be penalised?
Maybe everyone under 12 stone should have access to a nippy little plane ...

Like the "baskets only" checkout at Waitrose.
Well I suppose Arnold Schwarzenegger and Cyril Smith probably weighed about the same.

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Triple for Katie Hopkins then.
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Remove 'much' from your post, divebuddy.
And that would be correct.
Good suggestion, divebuddy.

If the guy in the next seat is pressed against you because he has muscular shoulders ... you sort of live with it.

If he's pressed against you because the folds of his stomach are hanging over the armrest, it's a bit different.

And before anyone whinges ... guys are just the same ...

Men ... would you rather sit next to Heidi Klum, or ... err, an unattractive woman?
eg Katie Hopkins?
I'll take Catherine Deneuve please - and she can spread into my space as much as she wants ....

eg Katie Hopkins?

I'd sit next to anybody or anything rather than her, jj.
Do I get discount with the weight that I have lost, surely well below the average Uzbekistani, even with the bottles of vodka on him or her.....
I think this has been hi-jacked into an evocative subject - the treatment and perception of fat people.

As far as I can see, weighing passengers for small aircraft is a sensible idea - it will enable cabin crew to seat them in a way that balances the plane correctly, and I am sure that is actually the reason for this procedure.

Of course, if you add in the 'fatist' element, people get all huffed up with their pedjudices (which are part of western culture) against overweight people.

This is really two separate questions - is the airline reasonable in weighing passengers for safety reasons? yes.

Are they doing it to be 'fatist'? No - but let the media pump it up as though they are because that creates an issue where the wasn't one before, and people like to have a whinge.
There is no mention of "small" aircraft in the Uzbekistan airways story. They fly airliners like everyone else.
So the question I would ask is: why does this particular carrier think it needs to weigh passengers, while only a small island hopping Samoan airline elsewhere has the same practice.
The other stuff about 'fat' passengers is just silly. It isn't the weight there that is the problem, it is the amount of space that is taken up in cramped seating conditions
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What about those super fit rugby players and body builders, who according to their BMI are morbidly obese yet don't carry an ounce of extra fat?

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