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Stillbirths Fall 8% Since Smoking Ban.

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mikey4444 | 14:58 Fri 14th Aug 2015 | News
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Make of this what you will, and there will be some on here that won't believe it, but it sounds like good news to me !


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There is an established scientific link between stillbirths and smoking. This is research from reliable units ( as much as scientific research is reliable) Since the smoking restrictions, stillbirth rates have dropped.......that is what one would expect. Are there any other factors to account for this fall............possibly, but surely not such an...
16:00 Fri 14th Aug 2015
I'd like to see graphs that clearly show the 8% drop (over the 16 year period) was due to a massive drop after 2007 (which would be needed to make the overall average 8%) then I'll believe it's solely down to the smoking ban rather than better antenatal care.
If it's just playing with statistics to argue a point then I'd guess the study was done by answerbankers.
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Not many answerbankers here Prudie !

"Researchers from Glasgow University, Imperial College London and the Erasmus University Medical Centre and Maastricht University in the Netherlands contributed to the study. Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in the US also took part in the research, which is published in the journal Scientific Reports.

It was funded by the Thrasher Research Fund and the International Pediatric Research Foundation"
I didn't know that there was a smoking ban.
Firstly the results are great news, a given. I don't care how pedigreed the researchers, that's not my point. I'd like to see clear graphical proof that the drop is down to something that happened in the last 4 years only of a 16 year study. That's what you need to hammer this home.
As for the ABers comment - this is the 3rd anti-smoking thread in a couple of days.
Whatever the contributory causes, if any - a drop in stillbirths and Neo- Natal deaths is wonderful.
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Prudie...I wasn't aware that there was a maximum number of anti-smoking threads allowed !

If you are looking for 100% proof, than that may not be possible. After all, 100% of smokers don't die from lung cancer do they ? But who would doubt now, that there isn't a proven link with smoking and ill-health ?

Even FOREST, the industry-funded pressure group in favour of smoking, have long ago stopped trying to disprove the link. But they used to deny it.
Mikey i didn't say there was a maximum number of threads allowed and I didn't say there was no link between smoking and ill-health.

You are using this article to prove there is a link between stillbirths and smoking. I don't know if there is and this article alone doesn't prove it either. We need clear statistics - don't you see? Research for 16 years, an event after 12 years from start - prove the impact on overall results.
Prudie, I don't think mikey has dome anything of the sort, he's merely put up the subject for debate stating 'Make of this what you will, and there will be some on here that won't believe it, but it sounds like good news to me !'

It's yourself who seems to have a bee in your bonnet about smoking threads in general.
Zac quite the opposite, I've seen your views on the smoking threads and I'll leave this one therefore. I can tell you the statistics to prove this are not there and that is the only calm logical point I'm trying to make.
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Thank you Zacs !
I can tell you the statistics to prove this are not there and that is the only calm logical point I'm trying to make.


'If it's just playing with statistics to argue a point then I'd guess the study was done by answerbankers.'

Very logical. Jeez.
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Prudie...."You are using this article to prove there is a link between stillbirths and smoking"

I am doing nothing of the sort ! I am opening this up for debate. This evidence shows that there may be a link between the fall in still-births and the banning of smoking in Public places....common sense would seem to indicate that there is a strong possibility that this is indeed the case.
I am sure that the ones who don't like or don't agree with anti smoking threads are lighting up furiously to calm their nerves ( from one ex smoker who gave up in 1992)
There is an established scientific link between stillbirths and smoking.

This is research from reliable units ( as much as scientific research is reliable)

Since the smoking restrictions, stillbirth rates have dropped.......that is what one would expect.

Are there any other factors to account for this fall............possibly, but surely not such an improvement in ante natal care over the past decade.
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Sqad....thanks for those common sense comments, and you get todays Star Prize....BA !
Hoooooray !!!!!!!
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At least the bally BA thing worked this time !
Not seeing too much of reduction of smoking directly outside our maternity unit (a particular favourite is to stand on the big no smoking sign on the pavement and puff away furiously). This unfortunately includes many of the pregnant mothers to be alongside other relatives.
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campbellking...stupid people do stupid things I guess !
You cant educate pork, as they say, Prudie.

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