I've read your poem, Maggie. This elegy for the dead infant seems to assert the following:
If "we" had prevented the conflict in Syria the baby would not be dead.
That apart, if the West had more compassion the baby would not be dead.
These deaths will continue to occur until Europe offers a home to everyone who wants to come and live in it.
Well, I agree with you completely on the third proposition, although, unlike you I imagine, I would find this "solution" abhorrent (no compassion, you see!). But, as for the first two, I can't see how we could have stopped what is happening in Syria, nor can I understand the "for want of a helping hand" point. What hand? And where? No northern European, as far as I know, was party to the transaction which commissioned a "boat without a sail" to travel fro Turkey to Cos. Weren't the agents involved traffickers on the one hand and Syrian parents on the other?