Tora, I suggest, finds the idea of gay marriage to be ‘wrong’ in the sense that women going out to work, wearing trousers, men being ‘house husbands, women on submarines, men as secretaries, and so on and so on … were all seen as ‘wrong’ when the first appeared, because they were fundamental changes to long-serving practises.
But that is the nature of cultural evolution – something has to be new at the start, it can be no other, but the new becomes custom and practise with the passage of time, and so it will with gay marriage which in cultural terms, is a relatively recent phenomenon.
Things change as things must, but people adapt to those changes at different rates, and it seems that for some people, the older they are, the harder that adjustment becomes.
However – simply finding the adjustment difficult, as Tora is doing, seems to be an acceptable response in our tolerant times, what is not acceptable, is to decide it is wrong and people should be vilified for it – as in the case of our friendly neighbourhood council clerk over the water.