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Migrants In Your Home

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vernonk | 05:45 Mon 07th Sep 2015 | News
77 Answers
Would you really want a migrant famply living in your home?


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No, since I am not prepared to pay for alterations in my Bathroom, so that certain facilities don't face Mecca.

/// They're not all as painted by the Daily Mail, not by a long chalk. ///

And how does the Daily Mail paint them?
AOG - "Canary42

/// They're not all as painted by the Daily Mail, not by a long chalk. ///

And how does the Daily Mail paint them?"

I think you know the answer to that AOG - I certainly do, I am a regular reader like you!
Please answer the question Mr Hughes.

and that mad cow Yvette cooper says we should let at least 50,000 in....
Definitely not, no.
How many refugees have been taken in by the wealthy Gulf States?

Anyone know?
youd be pretty safe betting on a big fat ZERO
Let's see people like Nicola Sturgeon, who are full of big talk, put their money where their mouths are, and move a few migrant families into their spare rooms before they start shouting about it and trying to influence the rest of us. Then maybe I would give some credibility to their altruistic posturing. In answer to vernonk's question, no, I would not have anyone living in my home other than my own family, and even those would be carefully vetted before they got a key!
Oh Vernonk......if you mean refugees I have given this so much thought.

I hate having anyone else in my home except for a short visit.....I like the quiet.....everything where I left it.....and the bathroom pristine...
I hate the mess of cooking when I have visitors.....and then there's the thought of giving up my sewing room I say...lots to think about....but would I give a home to a refugee family....

Yes I would.....I'd give myself a good talking to and do it with grace and friendship....x
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douglas - "Please answer the question Mr Hughes."

Certainly - would I want a migrant family living in my home? No thank you.

This is an emotive, but ultimately redundant attempt to make people who advocate an influx of migrants - especially politicians - look foolish.

It is utterly impractical for the average citizen to take in a migrant family, and it is unlikely that the migrant families would want to live in such circumstances anyway.

Families thrive by being independent, having their own space to live their own way, spending their own money as they wish.

The idea of a violent culture clash by inflicting bewildered and frightened newcomers on existing families who lack the means to accommodate them properly, is simply an old media trick - trotted out once again to generate gossip and puff.

There are answers to the migrant situation - this is not one of them.
People of a certain age might remember the hoax letters that were circulated during the time of the Vietnamese 'boat people'. They stated that a family of refugees was going to be billeted on you whether you liked it or not.
Can it be long before they're doing the rounds again?
To answer your question, No.
Since some Daily Mail haters who also admit to be readers, seem a little slow to produce evidence of their accusations, please allow me to counteract their accusations.
Forgive me for being sceptical, gness... but words come cheap.
only if you want converting to ISLAM
The idea of a violent culture clash by inflicting bewildered and frightened newcomers on existing families

You really do say some odd things, andy.
I know they do, Talbot.....and believe me my decision didn't come easily....

It's made on the basis it won't be forever......and I will, should I need it, be able to seek the peace and quiet I love by a few more visits to the daughter who lives alone and works long hours.....

So the decision wasn't a rush of heart over head....I must do something.... thinking.....and it wasn't easy....x

I agree with the post of A-H @9.52.

I have experienced homes that would be improved by the taking of refugees, homes that looked like and smelled like a stable.
On the other hand they are homes that certainly would not sustain in any pragmatic way, shelter for refugees and one of those includes our own home.

Dealing with the refugee problem in this way is not the answer and no, I have not got a better alternative at the moment.

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