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Migrants In Your Home

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vernonk | 05:45 Mon 07th Sep 2015 | News
77 Answers
Would you really want a migrant famply living in your home?


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AOG - I'm going to live with a Muslim family in Albania for the next two weeks - visiting my "adopted" family and their new baby. Will be sure to check out if their bathroom faces Mecca and report back to you.
Good morning Sqad !...might it not be a start though ? Many British homes welcomed in the kids from the Kindertransport before WW2, and not all of those homes were Jewish. Quakers played a vital role in getting the children to safety.
Surely it's their Qibla that's pointed towards Mecca. To point anything else, particularly in the bathroom, might be considered sacrilege.
You haven't said whether you would take in a family though Maggie? Given your emotive poem the other day I'm hazarding a guess that you would?
Morning, Maggie......these posts have being going on for days and I've read two posts that made me think......thank god for that was one of yours.....but ignored....x

Don't know what you mean, Bouncer.
mikey.....a start based purely on emotion is not the answer in my opinion.
We need a Government Labour OR Conservative with a heart made of ice and do the right thing rather than an emotive decision, forced on them by public sympathy.
Nice to see how the hypocritical and sympathetic 'apologists' turn when confronted with taking personal action to this migrant problem.

They are prepared to let others pay, so as to ease their own crocodile tears, but are not prepared to shoulder the responsibilities personally themselves.
It's not hypocritical.
After the Hungarian uprising against the Russian occupation in the '50s many refugees were offered accommodation in family homes in the UK. Ironic that it's now a Hungarian government showing their land's a cold house for refugees.
Isn't that exactly what happened with the children from the Kindertransport Sqad...didn't emotion play a role there !

Sorry, I am off to work ! How is the old ticker getting on my friend ?
mikey...LOL....don't worry about my health.........but thanks for asking.
I do wish people would stop comparing this influx of immigrants to Kindertransport. The two have nothing in common and comparisons give a false impression – I suspect by design.
AOG - "Nice to see how the hypocritical and sympathetic 'apologists' turn when confronted with taking personal action to this migrant problem.

They are prepared to let others pay, so as to ease their own crocodile tears, but are not prepared to shoulder the responsibilities personally themselves."

As I have opined earlier, this is an emotive response to a pragmatic issue, and the two don't meet.

Would I like to be able to take in a refugee family? Yes.

Am I able to? No.

That does not make me an 'apologist' who says one thing and does another.

It makes me someone who is aware that trying to solve this issue by the piecemeal allocation of odd families here and there in order to obtain votes is absolutely not going to help anyone involved.

I do not have the right answers - but I do know a wrong answer when I see one.

/// The Islamic religion prohibits Muslims from facing the Kiblah - the direction of prayer - when they visit the lavatory. ///
Who would like to house this young chap?
Och, you were doing so well for a few minutes Andy, then you went back to your old ways of trying to please all of the people all of the time.
Maybe he is saying 'cut' to the cameraman?
But bless you for answering.

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