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Labour Leadership Countdown

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mikey4444 | 08:49 Sat 12th Sep 2015 | News
44 Answers
For those that are interested ::::::

Most of the Bookies are giving it to Corbyn, although Burnham is not far behind. Personally, I think it will be Corbyn...not long to wait now !


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I think you will find Trade Unions and the birth of the Labour Party were connected at the very beginning. It wasn't something the Labour Party drifted towards, it was always the case.

Well he got my vote, and I look forward to seeing Labour in opposition for years!
Talbot. I'm well,aware of that fact but instead of the politicians acting as a governor ( in the mechanical sense, not the Sweeny sense, you understand) on the unions, the unions began to wag the dog and with it the country. Hence my 'corrupted' comment.
er...ok, Zacs

///AOG...put "other" between no and effective please !///

Why should AOG change his post,

///There is still no effective opposition to the Tories in British politics...nobody has "broken the mould yet"///

It is a direct quote from you @ 08:57
Sorry Talbot. Meant Gromit obviously. Nice to see you've done a U turn on being interested in the thread anyway. :-)
not sure what you mean by "unionist" but otherwise bang on, that ia exactly what has happened with labour. Needed, mental, unelectable, in three words.
I simply meant that the Unions led them. Probably a bad choice of word as it has other political meanings. Thanks for the affidavit tho.
What colour smoke do we look out for?
I see, yes I get it now.
Jourdain, deep deep Marxist red. Not long now.
It's Labour, jourdain. They wouldn't have a match between them.
The Trade Unions set up the Labour Party. They bankrolled it from day 1. That only changed when Blair and Brown went grovelling to the City of London for donations (the bankers being rewarded with light regulation).
Yes. I. Know.
king hell. They've bussed in the X Factor crowd. ;)
Well, it's just as much meaning!
my view, if Corbyn, a new 'Democrat' party to be formed shortly from the centre-right of the current Labour party and the left of the Lib-Dems.
Are you happy with the result, mikey?
^Shh, he's loading his revolver, tablet.
Why, surely mikey wanted the lefty?

Corby is thanking everyone....I hope mikey gets a mention.

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