Quizzes & Puzzles2 mins ago
Lesson 1 Jezza, The Media Are Not Bothering You
20 Answers
An awful mess from Corbyn who seems totally out of his depth with the press. Did he really expect to be leader of the opposition and not have to answer the the press?
And why not more senior women? Or have they all refused?
http:// news.sk y.com/s tory/15 52000/c orbyn-f aces-pr essure- over-to p-jobs- for-wom en
And why not more senior women? Or have they all refused?
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Give him time, ymb -- I mean, you can't expect Corbyn to bomb entirely on only his third day in the job!
More important to give jobs to people who merit the position, rather than women to look good. Of course, it could be argued that Corbyn hasn't even managed the first one, although again time alone will tell. Either way, I'll be interested to see what the future for Labour holds -- and how, if it does go belly-up rather quickly (as seems likely), the left who voted Corbyn in will react.
More important to give jobs to people who merit the position, rather than women to look good. Of course, it could be argued that Corbyn hasn't even managed the first one, although again time alone will tell. Either way, I'll be interested to see what the future for Labour holds -- and how, if it does go belly-up rather quickly (as seems likely), the left who voted Corbyn in will react.
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19TH century thinking seems to rule the scoffers in this thread.( or is that the media indoctrination proving its effectiveness )
The pedo card, the semitic card, failed to arrest his election, now the anti-hippy( by way of fashion/conformative dress style ) solely manufactured by the media, is the 'latest' backwards looking ploy: which ploy along with the media's continual open hostility to Corbyn before his election puts to bed the lie "The Media Are Not Bothering You".
Corbyn's shadow cabinet is the FIRST to achieve majority women representation
http:// www.ind ependen t.co.uk /news/u k/polit ics/jer emy-cor byn-mor e-women -appoin ted-to- shadow- cabinet -than-m en-for- first-t ime-105 00032.h tml
and his Policy Document(published 28/7/2015) lays out guidelines to real gender equality,itself being compiled by a woman, includes a range of measures such as universal free childcare, reversing cuts to the social wage, anti-sexist education in schools, fully funded services for victims of domestic violence, and forcing companies to publish equal pay audits.
https:/ /d3n8a8 pro7vhm x.cloud front.n et/jere myforla bour/pa ges/87/ attachm ents/or iginal/ 1438076 296/Wor kingWit hWomen. pdf?143 8076296
Alas, this will probably not influence those 'dancing to the media tune', and they(dance masters and dancers), may continue to vilify those who are less subservient.
The pedo card, the semitic card, failed to arrest his election, now the anti-hippy( by way of fashion/conformative dress style ) solely manufactured by the media, is the 'latest' backwards looking ploy: which ploy along with the media's continual open hostility to Corbyn before his election puts to bed the lie "The Media Are Not Bothering You".
Corbyn's shadow cabinet is the FIRST to achieve majority women representation
and his Policy Document(published 28/7/2015) lays out guidelines to real gender equality,itself being compiled by a woman, includes a range of measures such as universal free childcare, reversing cuts to the social wage, anti-sexist education in schools, fully funded services for victims of domestic violence, and forcing companies to publish equal pay audits.
Alas, this will probably not influence those 'dancing to the media tune', and they(dance masters and dancers), may continue to vilify those who are less subservient.
"The media reflects the mood of the public. Their only aim is to peddle papers,"
A rather simplistic encapsulation ymb
http:// www.und erstand media.c om/ml-b asics/8 -what-i s-the-m edia
http:// webcach e.googl euserco ntent.c om/sear ch?q=ca che:Doj 5mTuOPJ UJ:www. academi a.edu/9 679491/ Does_ma ss_medi a_shape _or_ref lect_pu blic_op inion+& amp;cd= 5&h l=en&am p;ct=cl nk& gl=uk
https:/ /www.go ogle.co .uk/url ?sa=t&a mp;rct= j&q =&e src=s&a mp;sour ce=web& amp;cd= 1&c ad=rja& amp;uac t=8& ;ved=0C CEQFjAA ahUKEwj 8_tPzgv nHAhUKt hoKHeSB Ayc& ;url=ht tp%3A%2 F%2Fwww .infoam erica.o rg%2Fdo cumento s_pdf%2 Fmccomb s01.pdf &us g=AFQjC NHB1EDn fxfD6BE C0FzQCf wDjKObe Q
https:/ /www.go ogle.co .uk/url ?sa=t&a mp;rct= j&q =&e src=s&a mp;sour ce=web& amp;cd= 2&c ad=rja& amp;uac t=8& ;ved=0C CoQFjAB ahUKEwj 8_tPzgv nHAhUKt hoKHeSB Ayc& ;url=ht tp%3A%2 F%2Fwww .prison commiss ion.org .uk%2Ff ileadmi n%2Fhow ard_lea gue%2Fu ser%2Fp df%2FCo mmissio n%2Fmed iabrief ing1.pd f&u sg=AFQj CNHhm8y 66OdozX EUxVuMA ZnVvwaA vA
A rather simplistic encapsulation ymb
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