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Is It More Serious For A Paedophile To Abuse An Asian Girl?

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anotheoldgit | 08:38 Fri 18th Sep 2015 | News
98 Answers

/// A senior judge has ruled a child molester was rightly given a tougher than normal sentence because his victims were Asian and so suffered more from his crimes. ///



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that comment was very disrepectful to all and any victim of such a heinous racist of him..his position needs to be reconsidered
Talbot - "Predictable waffle, andy."

I am sorry that you see it that way.
-- answer removed --
I, too, can understand the comments.
But I see them as implied criticism of the girls' cultural background.
'White' girls who have suffered abuse can, hopefully, expect kindness and compassion from their family, friends and the wider community.
Sadly, 'Asian' girls can expect blame, shame and shunning from theirs.....

However, I agree that *all* abusers should receive longer prison sentences regardless of the ethnicity of their victims.
I see it as waffle, AOG and I knew it was coming, hence my reply.
I take you disagree?

*it* ^
Was there a mindset early last century among some people that a young woman with a bit of 'history' should be considered 'shop soiled goods'? Maybe the society these young victims come from still hold the same views.
Child abuse, whatever the race of the victim, is a dreadful crime and deserves exemplary sentencing.
calm down, Talbot, seeing things from others' perpective is always a valuable exercise; it in no way commits you to accepting their point of view.
oh for crying out loud, give it up!

you're assuming it was Andy who had the answer removed are you? I highly doubt it was (and no, wasn't me either)

Fact of the matter is if a certain set of core users weren't so intent on reading things in Andy's posts that weren't there in the first place, 9/10ths of these squabbles wouldn't happen.

The rest of us are very bored of it all!

The way it's going us mods will have no choice but to eventually start removing threads in their entirety as they just descend into farces and that really would be a shame as they start off reasonably well.

Each case must be considered on its own merits. None of us were present during the trial or sentencing, so can only surmise from what the media have said.

But I am slightly ill at ease, as this could strike a precedent for the future.
boo..I agree..STOP BICKERING !!
MM...I agree !
Me for mod !! LOL
If the judge had just expressed concern for the girls because of how their futures may be more difficult than if they had been lets say, European...fine but to say the sentence is longer because the victims are Asian is totally wrong.

Are we actually talking Asian or Muslim?
Not all Asians react the same to events like this.
Boo "oh for crying out loud, give it up!

you're assuming it was Andy who had the answer removed are you? I highly doubt it was (and no, wasn't me either)

Fact of the matter is if a certain set of core users weren't so intent on reading things in Andy's posts that weren't there in the first place, 9/10ths of these squabbles wouldn't happen.

The rest of us are very bored of it all!

The way it's going us mods will have no choice but to eventually start removing threads in their entirety as they just descend into farces and that really would be a shame as they start off reasonably well."

Once again, thank you for your support.

I think some rigorous monitoring of this constant sniping and provocation, which is off-thread and therefore contravenes AB rules, is the only way to stop it - and that appears to be happening.
Talbot - "Are we actually talking Asian or Muslim?
Not all Asians react the same to events like this."

That's true - but the fact that the judge is bringing cultural responses into the notion of sentencing sets a very nasty precedent, and it should not be left unchallenged.
I actually believed that the law was impartial

Cases like this only add fuel to an already over heating fire
Sorry - 'the law was supposed to be impartial'
Agree Andy !
calm down, Talbot,

I am alway calm, jno...what makes you think otherwise?

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