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Is It More Serious For A Paedophile To Abuse An Asian Girl?

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anotheoldgit | 08:38 Fri 18th Sep 2015 | News
98 Answers

/// A senior judge has ruled a child molester was rightly given a tougher than normal sentence because his victims were Asian and so suffered more from his crimes. ///



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there's nothing new or outrageous in varying the sentence according to the effect of the crime on the victim
Talbot, you're starting to sound like John Major: "understand less and condemn more!"

Any doctor will tell you that is a troubling sign in a previously sane man.
Dare I say it? I can also see the judges thinking, I, like Andy, also think the Judge is very wrong, the guy got away very lightly!
sentencing ought not depend on age creed colour ..the crime is a crime and none the less evil whatsoever your reigion and should be treated thus
do you think, minty? Would you be upset if a mugger was put away longer for attacking an OAP rather than a young man?
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murraymints, clearly the "age" does come into it!

So in reality everyone who can see the judges thinking is also passing judgement on Asians in general....whatever happened to don't tar them all with the same brush?
jno...sentencing should be uniform in its consideration..the crime is what matters in this consideration regardless of the status of victim..otherwise judges will have wildy differing decisions made depending on their own personal is based on facts not personal preferences
Imagine a sex worker had been raped. A judge might think such an attack would have little effect on her/him and sentence accordingly.
A crime's a crime and the circumstances of the victim shouldn't effect how it's deal with.
ratter..of course it seems much worse when an old person is attacked ..but again that is where personal bias /opinion comes to play is no less heinous when a young person is attacked..point of law being fact based
Imagine a sex worker had been raped. A judge might think such an attack would have little effect on her/him and sentence accordingly.
A crime's a crime and the circumstances of the victim shouldn't effect how it's deal with.

Exactly, saved me typing it out.
Talbot, you are clearly not understanding people views! Like Andy said, we think the Judge was wrong, but we wecognise what the judge was seeing and why he sentenced that way. that surely does not mean we agree with it. I also understand that some guys like pre-pubescent girls, that does not mean I agree with what they do! again it is repulsive! Understanding someone's viewpoint is totally different to agreeing with it!
I repeat...all such cases should be judged on their own particular merits.
the judge was wrong to comment such..
///So in reality everyone who can see the judges thinking is also passing judgement on Asians in general....whatever happened to don't tar them all with the same brush? ///

Not at all.

But it *is* a sad fact that 'some' Asian communities treat the victims of sex crimes in an awful manner.
Acknowledging that fact does not imply that it is a blanket condemnation of ALL Asian society.
in which case, if ever there was a time to 'think plenty, say nowt' this was it ! he should have passed sentence without alluding to race or culture
"Excuse me judge, can you run that by me again"

'Yes Mr NonAsian, I gave the rapist of the Asian child 8 years but your child isn't Asian so I gave the rapist of your child 5 years'

"Ah, I see ...that makes perfect sense, thank you very much'
Ok Minty, I understand what you are saying. I will try and put it another way.

If I punched a good friend or a loved one of yours and he got a bruise, what would I deserve as a punishment?

Now if I punched that same person who then fell and hit his head and died as a result. What would I deserve as a punishment?
or should both punishments be identical?
ratter..that does not equate..they are two quite different crimes..assault or manslaughter/murder..

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