andy.....we are in quite a different ethos in which i was educated.
Let me tell you a story.
This summer, we had breakfast with a head teacher of a large comprehensive school and his wife and conversation came around to "sex in the classroom".
He took classes of pupils, mixed of around 14-16 yrs of age and in doing so had to be "extra careful" in his actions.
One day, an incident not that unusual, a 15 year pld girl on the front row, sat in a provocative position with thighs abducted and her knickers plainly visible. She then, after getting this teachers attention said in a loud voice for all the class to hear:
"Fancy a s.hag Sir?
Now these are the standards that prevail in many schools and it looks as though there is dissemination to the teaching staff.
Yes, it is wrong and a position of responsibility is just that........however the human aspect, the standards of discipline prevailing at the present time need consideration, even though it entails "barrack room humour."