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I wish folk didn't confuse Europe with the EU.

No major trading area should be ignored, but no nation should need to relinquish their authority to a union of nations.

Matters little what he says. Clearly no country, that is not in desperate economic troubles, need such close relations with better off nations for support. Countries merely benefit from an ability to import & export under fair conditions.
"No major trading area should be ignored"

when will people get it into their skulls...we have been trading with "europe" for a good few thousand wont for the eussr..they need us and desperately, we have no need of them...they need to drive their political megalomania through to its end which is a an empire...

now theyre talking about compromise on various issues to keep us in..compromise !!?? are you having a giraffe...its nothing but smokescreens and mirrors, whatever they give now is no more than a cheap bribe, they will take it all back and more as time goes on....they cannot have a soverign nation such as the uk, they need subservience to them and their president once in place on the empirical toilet seat !
Er, so he may have made a slip of the tongue.

His job as President of the Commision, and everything he has said ever before will tell even the barmiest of outers that he would not have said Britain DOESN'T need the EU. If those words came from his mouth (and as yet there doesn't appear to be any proof) then it was clearly a speech mistake rather than what he actually thinks. If the words were in English it could have been just a translation error.
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Quite a slip of the tongue - if true.

And maybe he knows, in his heart, the UK does not need the EUSSR it is they that need us for all those Billions.
it's patently obvious Britain does not need the EU, even the EU philes know that and even Junckers has noticed the Emperor has no clothes and blurted it out, off message perhaps but he knows the truth that dare not be outed.
Your mate Baz is quoting Junckner on the other thread as saying...

// Personally I do think that Britain needs the European Union." //
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Well as my post says "So what did he say?"

That would rather imply there is some debate - yes?
Junckner issued a clarification, mentioned in your link. So why is it still being debated?
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Because it is easy to issue a clarification when you realize the error of your ways.
I'd like to hear a recording of what he actually said.
He's right if he said 'Britain does not need the E.U.'.
Like O_G I do wish that people understood the difference between Europe and the E.U.. This needs to be one of the main points of the campaign to come - as does an understanding that our trade with Europe is not dependent on membership of the EU.

This may be our last chance to 'literally' save our country, if we stay in we shall be subsumed.
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