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//She has not considered that the two women may have been born and bred in the UK and are already in their own country,//

In which case one has to wonder why they speaking in a foreign tongue and are dressed as they are, nothing would seem to excuse her bad conduct, but Islamophobia is on the increase due to the radicals in their religion and against whom the 'moderates' fail to criticize. Examples of radical outrages, much worse that shouting names, AOG is continually reminding us of.
I cant understand what she's saying, but that Muslim lady in blue seems to find it amusing.
Khandro - plenty of people whose roots are in another culture maintain their native language when speaking among themselves, and choose to dress within the custom of their race.

// ...nothing would seem to excuse her bad conduct, but Islamophobia is on the increase due to the radicals in their religion and against whom the 'moderates' fail to criticize.//

There is no 'seem to excuse ...' about it - regardless of the any perceived reasons why there is animosity towards Muslim extremists, it does not facilitate the racist diatribe directed against two innocent women going about their daily business.
I thought that Naomi.
Andy, your opinion, but there again we know from your many posts your opinion is often way out from many others.

I stick by my statement that what she said will strike a chord with many.

You may find it racist, or any other of your favorite terms to thorw at people you simply dont want to understand, but I can assure you others dont apart from right-on hand wringing liberals, but they are actually a minority in this country.
Naomi - //I cant understand what she's saying, but that Muslim lady in blue seems to find it amusing. //

A lot of people laugh as a nervous reaction when they are confronted with something that makes them seriously uncomfortable - it does not necessarily indicate amusement.

Frankie Boyle has built a career on that assumption!
Right-on Andy.
TTT if her points were valid then she must know the ladies in question - is that so?

Perhaps there is another article on that side of it.
andy-hughes, //A lot of people laugh as a nervous reaction when they are confronted with something that makes them seriously uncomfortable - it does not necessarily indicate amusement. //

... but then again, it might.
"don't *** like you people because you're *** rude. You come to England and you have no *** manners. Go back to your *** country where they are bombing every day, don't come here where we are free."

Very rude yes put nowhere in that outburst did she refer to their race, she only said 'you people'.
She sounds like Kim from Eastenders lol
andy hughes
it does not facilitate the racist diatribe directed against two innocent women going about their daily business.

How do you know the two women were innocent?
You don't know what happened or was said before the camera started to roll.
YMB - //Andy, your opinion, but there again we know from your many posts your opinion is often way out from many others.//

Many others? Not in here I think - three or four, certainly no more than that.

// I stick by my statement that what she said will strike a chord with many. //

Fair enough.

// You may find it racist, or any other of your favorite terms to thorw at people you simply dont want to understand, but I can assure you others dont apart from right-on hand wringing liberals, but they are actually a minority in this country.//

It is not a matter of how I 'find it' - it is a matter of fact - this woman's behaviour was racism - and text-book racism at that.

It is not a term I 'throw' at anyone, nor is it a matter of not understanding people who behave in this way.

I understand racial prejudice, and its roots in fear and ignorance, but that does not explain or condone the behaviour shown in this video clip.

//but I can assure you others dont apart from right-on hand wringing liberals, but they are actually a minority in this country.//

I think anyone who understand what the term racism means would agree that this is racism in action - you don't need to be a 'right-on hand-wringing liberal' to see that.

And if that is the label (which you are equally keen to apportion when it suits) that applies to people who think that verbally assaulting strangers in public is wrong, then I am delighted to be aligned with them.
dave50 - //"don't *** like you people because you're *** rude. You come to England and you have no *** manners. Go back to your *** country where they are bombing every day, don't come here where we are free."

Very rude yes put nowhere in that outburst did she refer to their race, she only said 'you people'. //

And what would you suggest she meant by the term 'you people'?
Talbot - //How do you know the two women were innocent?
You don't know what happened or was said before the camera started to roll. //

Are you seriously trying to defend this woman's behaviour by 'giving her the benefit of the doubt'?

I wonder what started it? Anyone know?
Well I think some of you may be racist. Are you picking on her because she is black?
I wonder what started it? Anyone know?

I think andy-hughes must know
^very good. :o)
^ That was to youngmafbog.

-Talbot-, I wondered.

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