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KHANDRO you said 'in which case one has to wonder why they speaking in a foreign tongue' but is it not natural for folk to talk to each other in their mother tongue?
What if she had said exactly the same to a group of Polish people?
What a joke. This is a London bus or some will have us believe. Even when one passenger gets on they are not white. Then the driver pops up. He is black. So this is what diversity does. They are behaving like squabbling banshees. Do these people know what civilisation is all about?
I recall a year or so that it was muted on AB that we were being over run by non indigenous people in this country. Course those in the shires dismissed this.
Well if it is not true I can only assume this was a spoof video clip for a forthcoming sit com on the box. There was not one white person on that bus.
I was always told it was the height of ignorance and rudeness to talk in a foreign language in front of others who may not be aware of what is being said. It is a common courtesy or so I was told.
Not sure what the ethnicity of any of the passengers - apart from the recipients of the abuse - has to do with anything retrocop - care to elaborate?
If she had said that to Polish people I think they would of ripped her limb from limb. Feisty lot are the Polish. I know some who are related by marriage to me.
YMB - //Well I think some of you may be racist. Are you picking on her because she is black? //

No post is 'picking on her', and no post has mentioned that she is black - so really not sure where that idea springs from - ?
No .Not now. I will leave this debate.
A bus with no white people is proof that we're being overrun by non indigenous people is it.....faultless logic there.

(puzzled face).
I do know some people who are quite unnerved by someone close by talking away in their own language, they become convinced something untoward is being said about them.

I see that as their own insecurity.

I have twice told someone to revert to the plain English they were speaking to me five minutes ago, with what I felt and explained as good reason.

Both times I got an apology and we moved on.
If she had said it to some Polish people nobody would have mentioned racisim so why do some immediately jump on the racism bandwagon just because they didn't have white skin?
DAVE, are Polish folk not a race?
dave50 - //If she had said it to some Polish people nobody would have mentioned racisim so why do some immediately jump on the racism bandwagon just because they didn't have white skin?//

What makes you think no-one would have mentioned it?

Racism applies to any race or colour - it's not exclusively reserved for people of any one race, or in this case, creed.
The racism was in her words.
She seems to have a lot of sympathisers if the comments below the article are anything to go on.
I'm not excusing her behavior.
"don't *** like you people because you're *** rude. You come to England and you have no *** manners. Go back to your *** country where they are bombing every day, don't come here where we are free."
Nowhere in that outburst does she mention race, skin colour or even religion.
DAVE, by using the phrase "you people" she was identifying them as being different from her and saying "go back to your **** country" she was clearly identifying them as not being British. So, she was having a go (partly at least ) because they were not like her and not British. Please explain why that is not racist
I am amazed that so many people are refusing to condemn this foul mouthed tirade !
Well that is the way my civilised country is getting dragged down to Mikey :-)
If I ever get dragged down to the level where I behave like that, then shoot me.

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