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"coalition Bombing Of Syrian Army" - Who Do You Think Is Telling The Truth Here?

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ichkeria | 14:38 Mon 07th Dec 2015 | News
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dunno but looking at that map the strikes do not appear to be primarily against Daesh.
Our Primary mission since day one of the civil war in Syria was not to stop ISIS but to bring about regime change and remove Assad.

I would be amazed if the Syrian Army had not been targeted.
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One isolated attack on a Syrian army camp is not going to bring about "regime change".
Where are the ground troops ... lol

Coalition forces usually own up to cock-ups.
So it does rather beg the question, was it a "friendly fire" error
Whatever the truth of this, it's inevitable that we'll see more of this kind of thing. Let's hope they don't start 'accidentally' shooting each others planes down.

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