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or should someone chain him to the railings at Downing street

surely he has a right to dine where he likes ?

is it wise for the future of his leadeship ? wella different question entirely
Nor me, svejk.
Blimey DTC - you've put sugar on your wheaties this morning !

did you include - Just desserts and sour grape-whine ?
// Well given his previous he hasn't exactly got a propensity for pulling stunners.......//

Chilldo in the seventies - the CPof GB ( communist party of Gt Brit ) the head used to say - " you should go to bed with me for the sake of the party !" erm and they did !
Haxall I think

instead of Port - I thougth De-Port !
but that would really be a Bullingdon Dinner innit ?
let him go...just another nail in his coffin..
naomi24: "Supporters of Mr Corbyn should be seriously concerned about his mind-set. "

Corbyn's letter stating Dahir had 'roots in the area' was in support of bail before the trial. What was wrong with that?

///What was wrong with that?///

If you can't see that, there's little hope for you.
So what do YOU see wrong with that Svejk?
These low lifes stole hundreds of thousands off vulnerable old people and you and Corbyn want them to have a nice, comfy Christmas.
I honestly have no idea where people like you are 'coming from'.
^Me neither.
Svejk : "These low lifes stole hundreds of thousands off vulnerable old people and you and Corbyn want them to have a nice, comfy Christmas.
I honestly have no idea where people like you are 'coming from'. "

I come from 'innocent until proven guilty'.

Corbyn did not write letters for them all and you do not know "Corbyn want[s] them to have a nice, comfy Christmas." : I hope they serve their full sentences.

Well hello naomi; perhaps you could offer a less duplicitous explanation than Svejk ?

sevenOP, Svejk hasn’t offered a duplicitous explanation. I get the impression that he’s as incredulous of your response to this as I am. You come from “innocent until proven guilty”. Does that mean that anyone accused of a heinous crime and deemed by a court to be unfit to be allowed to roam free, as these man is, should, in your book, be bailed?
naomi24: "sevenOP, Svejk hasn’t offered a duplicitous explanation. I get the impression that he’s as incredulous of your response to this as I am. You come from “innocent until proven guilty”. Does that mean that anyone accused of a heinous crime and deemed by a court to be unfit to be allowed to roam free, as these man is, should, in your book, be bailed?"

Svejk has not offered ANY explanation.

Your tortuous rhetoric is a non sequitur: if he was "deemed by a court to be unfit to be allowed to roam free" he could not be bailed and should not be bailed. What relevance has that to do with Corbyn stating 'Dahir had 'roots in the area', BEFORE the case was even tried?
sevenOP , // perhaps you could offer a less duplicitous explanation than Svejk ? ………..Svejk has not offered ANY explanation.//

Oh right, You’ve changed your mind.

//What relevance has that to do with Corbyn stating 'Dahir had 'roots in the area', BEFORE the case was even tried?//

Why is Corbyn supporting a man who is accused of a despicable crime?
If you don't believe a character reference from an MP can influence a bail hearing, just why do you think it was sought and proffered?
Some of the money they defrauded made it's way to IS apparently. You wouldn't be a Muslim by any chance would you? You'll find we have a different understanding of right and wrong.
naomi24 :"sevenOP , // perhaps you could offer a less duplicitous explanation than Svejk ? ………..Svejk has not offered ANY explanation.//

Oh right, You’ve changed your mind."

Taking you a bit longer to come up with further pettiness naomi.

//What relevance has that to do with Corbyn stating 'Dahir had 'roots in the area', BEFORE the case was even tried?// .... don't want to answer that one, eh naomi ?

"Why is Corbyn supporting a man who is accused of a despicable crime? "

Possibly because he believes 'innocent until proven guilty' and Dahir is a constituent of his.
sevenOP, Pettiness? No, simply clarifying the confusion of your self-contradiction.

It's a pity Mr Corbyn doesn't save his concern for the victims.
Svejk ¦-> "If you don't believe a character reference from an MP can influence a bail hearing, just why do you think it was sought and proffered?"

I never said I believed any such thing.

Svejk :-"Some of the money they defrauded made it's way to IS apparently. You wouldn't be a Muslim by any chance would you? You'll find we have a different understanding of right and wrong. "

You have ZERO proof of that and neither do Scotland Yard’s counter-terrorism division.

I am not a muslim, but am awaiting your answer Svejk to what was wrong with Corbyn's letter stating Dahir had 'roots in the area' in support of bail before the trial.
//What relevance has that to do with Corbyn stating 'Dahir had 'roots in the area', BEFORE the case was even tried?// .... don't want to answer that one, eh naomi ?

Apparently so.

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