@ retrocop
I don't think you are stupid but you are being ingenuous; the horrible situation in Calais is the result of our interference in the Middle East which was executed and backed by right-wingers and deplored by moderates. The irony is that the people who backed the war are now jeering at the moderates.//
Please take the time to read the link provided and see who is being ingenuous (sic) or indeed disingenuous.
The horrible things in Calais,it would appear,are there on their own volition and charities are asking just what they are doing there other than chancing their luck to get to the UK. These 95-97% are deemed economic migrants by the very charities who were duped into thinking they required humanitarian aid.No way. All they need is a passage to Britain. The charity has pulled out and directed it's humanitarian aid to the real refugees in the Middle East when they found out they were duped.
Big difference between Genuine refugees and Criminal scum of which these "horrible things" in Calais are. I believe it says in the link that these Calais chancers are not from a war zone or the Middle East conflict.!!!