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'plane Stupid' Protesters Could Face Jail Sentences.

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anotheoldgit | 15:17 Tue 26th Jan 2016 | News
37 Answers

Do you agree that they should be jailed?

It seems a little harsh when an illegal immigrant can walk through the Channel tunnel and when arriving in England is granted citizenship.



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AOG, long story shortened. very ill in 2009 needing heart surgery, no heart attack just a nasty blood infection. because the small blood supply to teeth can harbour the bug that caused it I get free treatment as and when.
Laws should not ever seem unfair. If it does then it probably is and should be rectified.

Getting gaoled is a risk when one stands up for something one believes in, in defiance of the authorities. It is why authorities can impose on the people (even though this is supposed to be a democracy) with minimal fear of effective opposition. Few relish a criminal record or having a run in with the police at all. But there's the choice. Do something to sway folk to your point of view and take the risk, or put up with it all and maybe complain on the website as a personal escape valve.

Be sure writing to your MP or signing the e-petition will have next to B all effect. Either you risk your record as the good guy and do something spectacular or you let everything you disagree with and feel is wrong, happen.

Typo, (since I was 59, now 64) should have read 58 not 59
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Please don't read into things that don't exist only in your mind.

/// You have - you said, "It seems a little harsh ..." which clearly underlines your position - ///

Not just a little hash, but a little harsh, by comparison.

I could have also use as a comparison the number of times perimeter frontier and security fences have been cut through without any action whatsoever taken against the foreign perpetrators.

But you right on leffies, just don't like to see anyone who is not white British criticised or condemned in any way.
AOG - //andy-hughes

Please don't read into things that don't exist only in your mind.//

I think you mean - either things that do exist only in my mind, or things that don't exist inside my mind, or indeed outside it, but I got the gist.

//But you right on leffies, just don't like to see anyone who is not white British criticised or condemned in any way. //

Please don't read into things that exist only in your mind.
Question Author

Sorry to hear that baldric, I hope everything is now going well for you?

But it still remains that unless this guy has experienced something similar, I wonder why he is treated better than a British citizen?
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AOG, have you dozed off and plonked your head on your keyboard?

It was your previous post that required clarification - mine is perfectly clear if you read it.

Question Author
Wow did I drop off? just proves how boring this post has suddenly become, and I am not pointing any fingers.

/// It was your previous post that required clarification - mine is perfectly clear if you read it. ///

"Only in your mind".

only in your mind.
AOG - OK - gentle ribbing aside - if you genuinely don't understand the post in question, do feel free to say so and I will be delighted to elaborate.
AOG I get free dental treatment because my 3 pensions together ( state and 2 private ) are so low I qualify for 'Pension Credit'
This is despite working continuously from age 17 to 65 ,paying tax and NI .
I also get 100% council tax and housing benefit plus my fares to hospital and doctors appointments refunded.
Pension Credit is the most under claimed benefit of all, over 30% of all those who are entitled to it fail to claim it.
(By the way the immigrant who walked through the channel tunnel HAS NOT been granted citizenship just leave to stay while his claim is heard.)
If YOU are not in full time work and of pension age,it is possible you qualify for Pension Credit and the associated benefits. I personally have told 5 ex work collogues about pension credit , none of them had heard of it and all 5 have been able to make a claim. In one case the person got over £120 a week back dated 6 months,he just could not believe he was entitled to the money !.No one had mentioned it until I told him to claim!

///Sorry to hear that baldric, I hope everything is now going well for you?///

AOG, thank you for that, yes back to full fitness now in as much as you can at 64.
“He was granted asylum, allowed to stay in Britain, given state-funded accommodation and a £37 weekly allowance, free NHS healthcare, prescriptions, dental care and eyesight tests.”

“Any British citizen claiming unemployment benefit is given all of these!”

You need to check these things before making such blanket statements, Islay, because you are not quite correct. Free dental treatment is only provided if the patient is claiming income related unemployment benefit. You only get this if you’ve made insufficient NI contributions to qualify for the contribution-based version. The same applies to prescription charges and eye tests. If you’ve been in work, made contributions but struck hard times you pay for all this yourself.

Similarly a person in the circumstances would not normally get help with their housing (and they definitely would not if they have >£16k in the bank).

Lastly, of course, what you forgot to mention is that any British citizen not claiming benefits (i.e. in work and paying his way) would get none of them. He simply pays for the people who have not paid in, like the gentleman who made his way through the Channel Tunnel.

NJ, not quite, see my posts @ 1455 & 1509, and I do not receive any benefits at all.
yes they should be jailed.
-- answer removed --
You get free prescriptions because of your age, Balders (though I don’t know how you got them at 59 unless it was for reasons other than your age. Everybody over 60 gets free prescriptions and it’s been that way for many years). For free dental treatment you have to be in receipt of certain benefits. There are other qualifications most of which I imagine do not apply to you. Full details here:

Similarly with free eye tests:

Anyway, if you are getting them free of charge good luck to you. I don’t think that was really AOG’s point. These free facilities are only available to a very limited number of UK citizens and they are not even, as Islay contends, available to all those who are unemployed. If the country has enough money to provide them free of charge it’s a bit rich that they are not available to people who have contributed to the pot from which they are paid but they are available to anyone who pitches up illegally and uninvited.

“I get free dental treatment because my 3 pensions together ( state and 2 private ) are so low I qualify for 'Pension Credit'
This is despite working continuously from age 17 to 65 ,paying tax and NI .”

So you should, Eddie. That’s why you and other like you spend your working lives paying in. You should not be expected to fund people who pitch up on the doorstep and who have not paid anything in and in many cases probably never will.

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