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Another Referendum Threatned By Nasty Nicola

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gordiescotland1 | 15:23 Sun 21st Feb 2016 | News
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I cant believe this. She has threatened another referendum if Scotland doesnt decide to leave the EU and Britain does. Laughingly she says she thinks it will be the demand of the Scottish people. When has she ever listened to the Scottish people? We were promised a once in a generation opportunity for independence. She hasn't listened to the majority over that ??


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wish dear Nicola would just shut up !! she DOES NOT speak for the majority of Scots !!...
21:00 Sun 21st Feb 2016
Also, I have always found it sensible to base any response to the consequences of a referendum solely on the legends on a variety of sportswear possibly worn by persons with an interest in the outcome....
yes x1000 I said that, please tell me where it says "anti british"
here you go I'll say it again, ///bvious, the sweaties are anti English, that is well known. Sadly they seem to assume that if UK left the EU they'd have a free application to join the EU. The fact is a) they could not afford the fee and b) they'd be behind Greenland in the list, so Jimmy Krankie is, as usual delusional. Bless though I wish our PM had her balls/// - just did a search on "anti British" and it did not appear.
Yes, I can see my mistake apologies !
I STILL find that pompous, sweeping , opinionated ..and offensive !!
.....and accurate MM.
Of course the Scots can organise their own (non-binding) referendum. The result would probably be a sweeping vote to leave the UK - PRECISELY BECAUSE IT WOULD NOT BE BINDING. Such a referendum could in no way be taken seriously and would merely reflect an initial irritation - you do not have to live with your expressed preference. It could, therefore, safely be ignored. The SNP will shout a lot.
and since when did you become a qualified authority on how WE think ??
I'm not, minty, just giving a psychological likelihood.
jourdain..that was directed at TTT..not you ..soz ..x
minty :0)
just experience and weight of evidence MM, but please feel free to correct me.
your "evidence" is at best anecdotal..see my post at 9.31
Maybe it's just you that the Scots you meet dislike TTT?
Of course that is just a suggestion that may not be true... I mean, you sound like such a delightful chap.
come on you are having a Turkish!
Trans: Turkish Bath - Laugh.
AND..people from Scotland are Scots....there is no propensity to perspiration that I am aware of !!
As to whether a unilaterally arranged Scottish Independence Referendum might lead to a meaningful NO result, there are countries in existence today where before independence the population did not have overt approval of the former "parent" country, or even seek it, for a referendum or other unilateral declaration which announced separation and total independence. This is a question similar to whether a person can leave and divorce a spouse - only a form of imprisonment will present an effective obstacle, not a promising tactic for maintaining unity. If any member of the UK club decides to end the thing then it inevitably ceases to exist in its present form and no posturing on legalities (sound or unsound) is going to prevent that. Whether other members would follow suit and leave is basically unknown, although some may say it is more likely than not. England on its own and outside the EU would undoubtedly be unable to maintain a posture of a great power (which once really was one) and, for perceived status, would become even more reliant on tagging onto the USA and partaking in their adventures.

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