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If The Electorate Decide We're Better In Than Out How Would Their Decision Affect Boris's Chances Of...

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sandyRoe | 21:53 Sun 21st Feb 2016 | News
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I have no doubt Boris weighed up both options ........and he went with the one that would most likely to see him into no.10
//I can see how that must stick in the craws of all those people that voted Tory last May,//

One of the main reasons for the Tory win, was that hamstrung Dave had to promise the referendum, to head off the likely defection to UKIP. It is the only pledge he has not been able to weasel his way out of. If only he had not made the promise. Labour would have won, Farage would be leading the opposition to a disastrous administration,( for want of a better word ) and when Farage was able to promise a referendum where he led the out campaign,.......well we all know what would happen there.
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The flatulence from 60 million 'Little Englanders' fed on a diet consisting solely of sauerkraut would make the emissions from livestock seem trifling by comparison.
Talbot....(21:42)...I agree, and am on record today for saying so.
ah bless I did wonder how long it would take sandy "little Englanders" you did it you get the Tshirt well done.
Togo....Farage leading the opposition ?

Really ?

So, he was capable of going from 2 MPs, to over 330 fell swoop !

Yea Gods !
Seem to remember one or two, for King and Country, advocates up there in N.I. sandy.
If he'd gone to over 330 MPs he wouldn't be leading the Opposition, he'd be PM!
Where did I mention 330 UKIP MPs mikey? Don't try to make me look as daft as you.
Togo...Farage can't even get himself elected to the HOC, let alone entertain the pipe dream of leading an opposition. He has had his chances....about 6 or 7 times if I recall correctly, and failed every time.

He is a bit player at most.
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The DUP want out. This in a province with a considerable farming community that's largely kept afloat by CAP money.
Little Englanders is a legitimate phrase. I'm surprised we haven't heard it used more often recently.
I used to think a 'referendum' meant the people being allowed to express **their existing opinion**, ill-informed or otherwise. Having campaign, in the run-up to a referendum, in order to steer its outcome are anathema to me.

The idea is to canvass the views of the people and, if the 'wrong' answer emerges then the sitting government should be at liberty to disregard the public or, perhaps, set about "schooling" them, after the fact.

Action on the public's position, at referendum, ought to be a matter for a general election to decide.

I'm not a Little Englander, I'm a BIG Englander! Out!
But when pressed on the details of the deal he has secured with the rest of Europe, Mr Cameron admitted “we’re going to settle all that later”.
Boris Johnson exclusive: There is only one way to get the change we want – vote to leave the EU | via @Telegraph
Wait until the rest of the EUSSR twig that there is a growing groundswell for out, especially if more of the big hitters do a 'Boris', there will be offers galore. Not one of them worth a pot of piste while we are still manacled by them of course.
I understand that his Dad said this weekend, that if Boris looses this Referendum, its a career ender.
No doubt he'll find something else to do. ;o)
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He's crossed the Rubicon right enough.

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