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Ian Duncan Smith Resigns !

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mikey4444 | 21:07 Fri 18th Mar 2016 | News
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I was mistaken ! It wasn't Nicky Morgan that had to fall on her sword.......its was IDS !



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Thanks for the info mikey. Shall be prepared to take in the gory details in The Indy in the morning.
21:35 Fri 18th Mar 2016
PP, mikey was not being ironic.
well it is your day today
with the usual suspects sullen, rude small minded and often abusive

wet your bed with gusto ! P P
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Talbot....IDS didn't like what was in the Budget, but kept his council, until the whole issue was blown apart, mainly but not exclusively, by Nicky Morgan's ludicrous performance on Question Time last night. There has now been a steadily growing list of Tory MPs that have voiced their concerns today.

I still give him credit for resigning over an issue of principle.....he was eventually unable to give the Budget his 100% backing and support, and had the courage to resign over the issue, instead of continuing to spout weasel words, which is what he did yesterday

Dave and Osborne have got this whole issue completely wrong, and the situation that they find themselves in tonight is entirely of their own making, and its not the first time this has happened since May 2015.

They are losing their grip.
IDS has seized on an opportunity to leave the Eurosads and engage with the true Tory mindset, and add his voice to, the ever growing out campaign. You must be careful of what you wish for mikey, and think it through first.
"well it is your day today "

case proven.....if this all it takes.....
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PP....very true, but its something I have come to expect....empty vessels make the most noise !
and you certainly do..
Walking out on policies he, himself, worked on has the odd effect of making it look like he was a puppet all along. He went along with orders from on high, for the money but something better has come along and it's two fingers to the puppetmaster, today?

Any similarity to persons living, dead, or undead, is entirely coincidental.

p.s. Any wheelchair wheelies in evidence tonight?
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I think its amazing that there has been very little support here on AB, for IDS, from its many Tory supporters !

With friends like these....etc.
Looks like the dung has hit the whirly thing on here
Hypo > p.s. Any wheelchair wheelies in evidence tonight?

Signs of recovery after all?!

//IDS didn't like what was in the Budget, but kept his council //

that's "kept his counsel", mikey.

Are you the one who is a professional writer? Do I get extra pedant points?
Question Author, you get my thanks and an opportunity to make amends to my Spellchecker !
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And no, Hypognosis...I am not a professional writer, at lest not now. Perhaps you are thinking of Andy Hughes, who is.

By the way, I am waiting on "Newsnight"...should be a cracker tonight !

//Signs of recovery after all?!//

Recovery of whom?

To clarify, I only meant that a fair few of the protesters about IDS's cutbacks policies were wheelchair bound.

Your spellchecker will not pick that up mikey. They are both valid words. You need grammar school for that, not Labour run school systems. Or..........academies.
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Hypognosis....I understood what you meant.
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Togo...nearly funny but not quite !
Well, if I'm mixing you up with andy then I'm going to have to don the D cap and stand in the corner.
I remember the old reply to that observation Noe schitt. It then rolls downhill and every body stinks of it.

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