jim360 >: "But then, the Prime Minister and other MPs are the ones who are supposed to be entrusted with reforming tax laws and changing the rules. If the rules they set are then exploited by the same people who set them... well, that's a massive conflict of interest if ever there was one."
Spot on jim360.
Those that make the Law should have all aspects of all their income open to those that elect them; also all groups, clubs, associations, memberships,societies, etc.,and of course all private meetings with Lobbyists. should also be known to those that elect them.
This should apply to ALL public lawmakers.
But like the simple proposal that all private contact with Lobbyists, who those Lobbyists are and precisely who funds those Lobbyists and to what amount(£), should be recorded for the Public knowledge, this too will be resisted by the vested interests and their vicarious puppets.