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Spalding Double Murder Charge: Two 14-Year-Olds Due In Court

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mikey4444 | 10:37 Mon 18th Apr 2016 | News
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Yet another case of children being involved with very serious crimes...this is the 3rd in a short space time...what the ruddy hell is going on ?


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Nothing's 'going on' Mikey, just like there's nothing going on with recently reported deaths of famous people of a certain age. Stuff happens all the time, everywhere. Don't have nightmares.
12:38 Mon 18th Apr 2016
TTT the media kind of gave them up by naming them what they are.
Ok what makes them something other than feral savages that's all I'm asking, will someone explain? Are these somehow nicer murderers?
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TTT...we have yet to know any facts whatsoever about this case, so any speculation is just not fair.

To add to my original post....while we have had killings by children before, we seem to have had a rash of crimes committed by what I would call joint enterprise, and its this that puzzles me.

The two girls that savagely attacked and killed that poor woman.....the two girls that abducted that child from Primark, and now this is. All the children involved in this were of the age that when they should have known better, but still went ahead and committed the crimes anyway. what are they? I can't cant find anything.
from the above posts people like PP seem to think that there is something known that excuses these murders, I'm just trying to determine what that is.
they are 14 year old sweethearts
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Neither can I TTT, but I have stopped looking now. It will all come out in the wash I expect.
most people who can access google would've found out by now TTT. Why are they not feral savages, they planned this for a week according to the press.
"they are 14 year old sweethearts " - and that excuses murder does it?
all i can say is read the reports, even the smallest little irrelevant details. and you will know who these 14 year old sweethearts are. no speculation.
ok they did not act on animal instinct, how about cold calculating savages? does that stop the people on here having a go at me and condemning the killers?
not at all TTT, it was a hint. But I'm not sure I'm allowed to do that. In fact, I will stop now. Let them rest in peace. Sad, sad story. It will come out soon anyway, no way their identity can be kept secret. Most people with google would have found out by now.
doctor b,stop playing games if you know say. They are 14 year old sweethearts who planned the attack that's all I have at the moment.
i don't know why people have a go at you because you say they are feral savages. in fact why?
i was told im not allowed to say it her, so i'm going to respect that now
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Does it really matter if we know the identity of the accused ?

I live a long way from Spalding but people who live there will know the identities already, with or without Google. So there can be no secrets, locally at least.
mikey I believe it matters, because there's a difference between domestic and nondomestic homicide. the motives as to why these children did it, is the key to finding the link to our societal responsibility. Is it a domestic killing? Is it two 14 year olds with no family relation? That matters when we look at why this happened in Britain.
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DoctorB...I am sure that will all come out when the trial starts. But there is little merit in identifying the two kids that are suspected of these murders now.
TTT I have an old fashioned like of facts not supposition.......
yeah and I like to focus on the actual issue not irrelevant semantic bowlocks.

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