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The Trumpanaut Rolls On.......

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ToraToraTora | 08:16 Wed 20th Apr 2016 | News
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"Pesident" Trump moves ever closer.


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Well, Trump v. Clinton moves closer, at any rate.
YEs, he sure got the Republican NY vote.

There is no doubt he is striking a chord with a vast number of people and becoming more and more popular.
I wonder if he really could win.
Possibly part of the reason Trump did so well in New York is that his main rival Ted Cruz accused Trump of having "New York values". This did not necessarily go down very well in New York, perhaps unsurprisingly.
Is there an excuse for everyone of Trumps wins and it is not just because he is speaking popular rhetoric?
He's not winning everywhere, but he has won big in states. I wasn't trying to hide that. I thought that Ted Cruz's massive faux pas was amusing, rather than an excuse (and anyway the lie to the idea that it could be the excuse is given by the fact that Trump was predicted to win in NY long before Cruz opened his big mouth.)
Fingers crossed on a Trump nomination. That will keep the Republicans out for another four years.

The Party know that, which is why they are desperately trying to stop him getting a majority and automatic nomination.

If they can keep him under 50% they can dump him at the Republican Convention in July.
I would not be so sure.

Clinton, still with e-mail scandal outstanding, and Sanders, a commie, will not appeal to the majority of Americans either.

It seems to me there is no middle of the road populist nominee this time so it may be quite interesting to see how the American public respond to this.
Trump is at war with his own party. Even if he automatically gets the nomination, there is no guarantee that the party will support him with any enthusiasm...

// Any other candidate would be embraced by his party as a conquering hero after Tuesday night's wins. Instead, he's getting the cold shoulder reserved for an especially obstinate unwanted guest from GOP leaders who see him as a toxic influence that could cost them the White House and Senate -- and leave a stain on the party of Lincoln, if not tear it apart.
Trump might have cemented his role as front-runner in the GOP race, but he now faces a tricky period as he tries to put the nomination truly beyond reach of his rivals, and not only the ones on the ballot. He faces accelerating efforts by conservatives and establishment figures alike to thwart his White House dreams at the 11th hour.
"We all agree Trump as the nominee would be a disaster morally, politically, and electorally. Well, then, let's do something about it," prominent talk radio host Steve Deace, who has endorsed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, wrote in a Facebook post late Tuesday.

Some lawmakers are also beginning to break with precedent and repudiate the party's front-runner. Nebraska's Republican Sen. Ben Sasse said over the weekend he won't vote for Trump even if he becomes the nominee.
And Virginia GOP Rep. Scott Rigell warned on "The Lead" with Jake Tapper Wednesday that he would not vote for Trump either, arguing that he lacked judgment on foreign policy and was not fit to be commander in chief. //
It will be a nice change to have someone who wont just be the same old business as usual - i think Cruz shot himself in the foot with the White Knight comment - basically saying nothing would change if he was elected - I think the US people want and need change.
Well, he has managed to get the stoopid vote out, thats for sure !
I don't think they'll let you vote, mikey.
Good old lefty name calling when you have no real argument against him. Easy from your armchair isn't it.

Just because he does not bang the socialist mantra out does not mean he is wrong. Indeed, you are more wrong as it has been shown time and time again outright Socialism does not work.

So who is the stoopid one I wonder?
Gromit, much of the Republican noise comes from those who cannot understand how the establishment has been usurped.

Do I think Trump would make a good President, no I dont. But then again I look at the alternatives and I dont think any of them are up to the job.

The people want change, Trump and Sanders are giving them that just as Jezza and Farage have in the UK.

Long term it could be good for politics.
"I wrote this out, and it's very close to my heart," he said at the outset of his remarks on Buffalo on Monday evening. "Because I was down there and I watched our police and our firemen down at 7/11, down at the World Trade Center right after it came down. And I saw the greatest people I've ever seen in action."


7/11 or 9/11.

You choose.
A Freudian slip mixing 7/7 and 9/11 so the scoffing is really scraping the barrel. I'm sure there are other things you could pick on that would more to the point you are trying to make.

Personally I think its good he has obviously heard of event outside the US. Makes a big change for Americans.
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I'm having almost as much fun as I had with the UK election! Watching the right on brigade pebble dashing their rafia wallpaper with organic Tibetan peace porridge is just hilarious!
Which bit of "The Republican Party (well-known for not being liberal porridge eaters) are desperate to stop Trump" is so hard for you to understand? Right now, the people who fear Trump the most belong to the right of politics, because he's been busy destroying their established party and its overall credibility. All that scoffing you are doing, assuming he is an enemy of (only) the left, is precisely the reason the Republicans are in this mess. Because they thought it was all a big joke seeing Trump's rise. Well, it isn't. He is serious, and now that he has a chance of winning you have to decide if it's worth seeing him in control of one of the most powerful countries in the world. And if you think the left are choking on their muesli... imagine how the right will feel when Trump gives them reason to choke on their caviar.

Well said Jim !
Jim, //they thought it was all a big joke seeing Trump's rise. //

There are people on both sides who thought that.

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