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Another Step In The Islamification Of Londonistan Or A Further Demonstrations Of Its People's Ability To See Past Religion And Race?

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sandyRoe | 03:58 Fri 17th Jun 2016 | News
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I am puzzled by the references to "despite being a muslim".Is there any evidence for that.
She was the preferred candidate
No-one can deny that the Muslim community are very well organised when it comes to voting. Their community leaders guarantee a 'block vote' to such an extent they can dictate to Labour which candidates they're allowed to put up.

80% of the borough is not muslim, but she still won. The OP seems to be suggesting Islamification is taking place based on this result. She did not win by just the muslim vote, she won because she was representing the Labour Party. Her being a muslim did not deter enough, or any voters from voting for her. It may have guaranteed the majority of 20% of voters, but she took more than 20% of the vote. So it is fair to say, she won despite being a muslim.
Sp, in my experience people of mixed race such as Pakistani/Polish, West Indian/English consider themselves to be black. Can you name one in the public eye who appears to consider himself/herself to be white? I can’t.

fiction-factory, // she was using immigrants as short hand for immigrants/children of immigrants.//

I wasn't. I’ve already explained to sp that I specifically separated my reference to immigrants from my reference to black people. I don’t know whether he hasn’t understood my original post at 07:29 or whether he is simply determined not to understand it – but I suspect the latter.
FF...this profile of her, in the Guardian, would seem to suggest that she is a Muslim.

An extract :::

"When I look at Labour, I am really proud to see people who have worked hard to represent society, but there is always room for more. Having me there as the 100th female Labour MP, as a Muslim, as a mixed-race woman, as a mother – these are all things that are positive and would be a step forward"

Its quite clear to me that she won yesterday because she was a Labour candidate.
But I still don't get why some seems so sure she won DESPITE being a muslim
Maybe she won because she was the best candidate and in general people didn't know or care what her religion is
fiction-factory, I don't want to trawl back through the whole thread. Can you tell me who said that please? are quite correct !

She won because she was the Labour candidate !

Maybe West Indian/English, but absolutely not Pakistani/Polish, which is what Rosena Allin-Khan.

If she stood up to give a speech and started with, "As a black woman..." everyone would be confused.

Because she's not black. She's Anglo-Asian.

I have literally never heard of an Asian person calling themselves black.

Have you?
sp, Have you ever heard them describe themselves as white?
Naomi- to answer your query to me:

at 9:44 gromit said "She won despite being a muslim, not because of it."
at 11:56 Mikey said "this lady won in Tooting despite her religion, not because of it"
Gromit said it again later.

She won because she was the preferred candidate for all sorts of reasons.
fiction-factory, thank you for that.

//She won because she was the preferred candidate for all sorts of reasons.//

I agree with you.

No...but that's not the point.

You made a mistake wit your point. She is neither black nor an immigrant, so your comment was irrelevant.
sp, that's precisely the point. They do not consider themselves to be white - and I didn't say she is an immigrant.
Strange is the fact that most on this site seem to be atheists, yet they will go on to defend the religion of Islam continuously.
AOG...nobody is "defending" Islam on this thread....merely pointing out that the principle reason that this lady was elected yesterday, was because she was a Labour candidate.
The left always will aog. They desperatley need their vote!
Mikey, //nobody is "defending" Islam on this thread....merely pointing out that the principle reason that this lady was elected yesterday, was because she was a Labour candidate. //

You're saying that - but I'm not, so the impression you've given there that you speak for everyone is misleading.
This thread appears to be descending into the usual "bash the Muslim" mode, so I am bowing out, before it gets into any further ever-decreasing circles.
"Principle"? Spelling police alert.

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