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Another Step In The Islamification Of Londonistan Or A Further Demonstrations Of Its People's Ability To See Past Religion And Race?

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sandyRoe | 03:58 Fri 17th Jun 2016 | News
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Rosena got the votes and won fair and square as far as I know.

She seems educated, respectful and has seen the world from a few vantage points, I hope she serves her constituents well.

Her words were very respectful too.

/// AOG...nobody is "defending" Islam on this thread. ///

Well alright, defending Muslims then.

/// This thread appears to be descending into the usual "bash the Muslim" mode, so I am bowing out, before it gets into any further ever-decreasing circles. ///

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Did Mamya have a post removed?
She did.
probably did it herself as her 'unbelievable' comment related to a removed post.
Did it herself?

How would I manage that?
My fault. Ill-judged humour. My apologies.
I dunno - I ain't no techie / mod. You better watch your step my girl ;-)
I shall ZM, am all a tremble.

Sorry Sandy for the digression.

Just because someone doesn't consider themselves white, doesn't mean that they consider themselves to be black.

There are other Asian.

This discussion is about Rosena Allin-Khan, who is neither an immigrant, nor black.

So why did you bring that up in the first place?

You wrote:

Strange is the fact that most on this site seem to be atheists, yet they will go on to defend the religion of Islam continuously.


Seriously shocking.

Rosena Allin-Khan has done nothing wrong. Therefore, isn't reasonable to judge her on what she does, rather than her religion.

*** Shocking. ***

*** Seriously shocking. ***

*** Rosena Allin-Khan has done nothing wrong. Therefore, isn't reasonable to judge her on what she does, rather than her religion. ***

Perhaps you should read posts fully before having a go at me, and for your information I said nothing about Rosena Allin-Khan along with my post at 13.17 and this further statement from mikey4444, I consider my response to be totally valid.

/// SP...its the Muslim thing, all over again, just like it was with the Orlando murders. ///

/// .....some people will blame Islam for all life's ills....its the easy way out. ///
sp1814, not with you. Why did I bring what up in the first place?
///.....some people will blame Islam for all life's ills///

Not all of them, but quite a few at the moment.

/// Just because someone doesn't consider themselves white, doesn't mean that they consider themselves to be black. ///

Try telling that to those who parcel them all together, when coming to their defence.

Why even the former corrupt President of the Black Police Association Ali Dizaei, could not be considered truly black.

// The National Black Police Association (NBPA) is an interest group of the Black and MINORITY ETHNIC BME) staff of the UK police forces, founded in November 1999, which seeks to improve their working environment, to enhance racial harmony and the quality of service to all communities of the United Kingdom. //

Ali Dizaei qualified not because he is black, which he isn't, but because he belonged to an ethnic minority.

Precisely the point that I am making,

Why then do they call it The National 'BLACK' Police Association, if they are not bunching them all together, when it should be called The National 'ETHNIC MINORITY' Police Association?

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