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Jo Cox Mp Death: Thomas Mair In Court On Murder Charge

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mikey4444 | 14:46 Sat 18th Jun 2016 | News
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"Thomas Mair gave his name as "Death to traitors, freedom for Britain" when he appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court."

Now...where have I heard those words before ?


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Let's hope this guy is declared fit for a very long sentence at Her Majesty's pleasure. Jo Cox looked like to have been the bright spark, the Labour Party needs right now. Prison is too good for this evil guy.
18:17 Sat 18th Jun 2016
Mikey, you're bouncing back and forth like a manic ping pong ball! :o)
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Whilst I might balk at the slogan, 'Death to Traitors' I see nothing wrong with, 'Put Britain First'.
anotherangryvoice has a very politicised agenda. mikey, citing him as a "legitimate" information source would be hypocritical of you - and those others - who regularly describe the daily mail as a lying scumbag right wing rag.
Over enthusiastic, wrong time wrong place for this thread, but deceitful ?

But you're rabidly anti-German, Mikey.
Referring to this remark:

//Well, the word "traitor" is constantly bandied about here on AB, against anyone that refuses not to be xenophobic and rabidly anti-Muslim//
That was hard work!
Haaaaaa! Crying....
anneasquith, my English is not perfect, would duplicitous be a better way to say it? even if it is I still wouldn't trust him.
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^ Bet that doesn't last long!
Ha. Who'd have thunk it.
My apologies, Ed. I must pay attention to refining my vocabulary.
Doesn't matter what he gave his name as - he is a despicable human being who murdered a wonderful woman.
Sorry ! But who is Jo Cox ?

Never heard of her, before she got stabbed, Just an MP J

I'm not disputing she must have been a very nice woman, but a lot of people have been stabbed this year, why have we not heard about them, they are just as important.
Murders usually do make the News, yes to many she is just another one - however killings of this nature ie an MP doing her daily work and losing her life are still thankfully rare.

Well that was a bit of a thread stopper wasn't it?
It was rather wasn't it - I am somewhat surprised that 1rovert has not seen any other reports of murders/shootings and stabbings in the media.

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