New Judge, how events unfolded...
// 3.1 South Yorkshire Police investigation
Between March and June 2014 there had been discussions between the MPS Operation Yewtree team and SYP before an agreement was reached on 2 July 2014 that the investigation into Sir Cliff Richard by SYP was ready to proceed. The alleged offence had occurred in Sheffield in the 1980s. Detective Superintendent Matt Fenwick was appointed Senior Investigating Officer under the command of Jo Byrne, Assistant Chief Constable (Protective Services).
3.2 Phone call from Dan Johnson
On 14 July 2014 Carrie Goodwin, the Head of Communications for SYP, received a phone call from Dan Johnson, a regional correspondent for the BBC, who told her he wanted to discuss four matters with her including an investigation into Sir Cliff Richard. According to Carrie Goodwin, Dan Johnson told her that he had information that SYP were investigating Sir Cliff Richard and that he knew a considerable amount of detail concerning the allegation. She firmly maintains that he told her in the phone call that he had obtained the information from a source in Operation Yewtree and that he was in a position to broadcast the story.
3.3 Meeting with Dan Johnson
A meeting was arranged for the following day, 15 July 2014, at SYP HQ between Carrie Goodwin, Detective Superintendent Matt Fenwick and Dan Johnson. According to Carrie Goodwin and Matt Fenwick, Dan Johnson reiterated that he had obtained information about the SYP investigation into Sir Cliff Richard from a source in Operation Yewtree and that he was in a position to proceed with the story. Carrie Goodwin and Matt Fenwick were concerned that if the BBC broadcast the story before a search of Sir Cliff Richard’s UK residence took place then evidence could be lost. It was agreed by Carrie Goodwin and Matt Fenwick that SYP would inform Dan Johnson of the date and location of the search if he would not publish the story before the execution of the warrant. At that meeting it was confirmed to Dan Johnson that the information he had was broadly correct. The location of the search was not known at that time.
3.4 Meeting between the Chief Constable and Carrie Goodwin
On 15 July 2015 Carrie Goodwin met with the Chef Constable (CC) after her meeting with Dan Johnson. She informed him of Dan Johnson’s knowledge of the investigation and the agreement that had been reached. They discussed the College of Policing Guidance On Relationships with the Media [to be referred hereafter as the ‘CoP Guidance’] and they discussed the options available to them. They agreed that Dan Johnson would not accompany SYP on the search but that he would be told when it was taking place. //