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Dave To Go Before October !

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mikey4444 | 08:24 Fri 24th Jun 2016 | News
36 Answers
Dave has just said that he expects to resign by the time of the next Tory Party Conference !


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Well he would need to go sufficiently before 2020 to allow whoever takes over to get "bedded in" and known to the public as to what to expect if they vote Tory.

But I'm unsure he should go immediately, I can see a benefit in keeping stability for a while in the aftermath of the referendum, but I can also see benefit in passing over to someone who was enthusiastic about leaving. Not idea to be forced to arrange something you don't believe it; no incentive/little enthusiasm.

October eh ? Doesn't seem like he's sticking around. Is there a link to his quote ?

Not sure what a round robin is. I just went for all three.

I got 65/1.

I put a tenner on.

Back to Cameron...I'm really glad I don't work in a job where I have to step down because of stuff like 'integrity' and it's 'the right thing to do.'
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OG...Dave's position is now untenable. I think he has made the right choice by allowing the Tory Party 12 weeks to get its act together. But I would still rather he called a new Election

( if the current rules allow him to do that...he would probably not survive a vote of confidence if that was called for today )
Mikey, Why should he call a new election? There were more Conservatives in the Brexit camp than Labourites. Why would anyone vote for people who disagreed en masse with the electorate?
the fixed election law is still in place I was surprised to read

and why should be call an election ?
because he has been defeated on a major pillar of his policies
i would have thought that neednt be said - but anyway ....
Maybe because few actually believed Corbyn was really 'remain' but simply accepting join responsibility with the rest of them. But in my opinion that wouldn't be enough to cause a change of government anyway. The public majority doesn't trust Corbyn, think he's too far left. (But after Blair and Co. that was probably inevitable.)
Peter Pedant, he promised a referendum and he said he would abide by the outcome. He's done both. Can't see a problem.
// the referendum vote will have no effect on the Tory leadership. //

// he won't resign if he loses the referendum, The party will allow him to stay until he decides to go. //
round robin = 10 bets, 3 singles, 3 doubles, 1 treble and 3 up and downs. get all three results and you'd win a lot.
don't mind being wrong there gromit, irrelevant anyway, Dave just goes a bit sooner than he would have liked. Bojo steps up wipes the floor with Labour in 2020, especially with the UKIP disbandees joining the party. They'll weed out the wets and EUphiles and be proper Tories again, can't wait.
TTT, you weren’t wrong. David Cameron isn’t obliged to go – in fact 84 senior Brexiters apparently signed a letter yesterday asking him, win or lose, to stay.
yeah I know naomi but I'm feeling generous!
Of that 89 brexters who signed for Dave to stay is Boris Johnson. LOL.

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