"will you, if elected as party leader, trigger the notice under Article 50?"
Of course you would. It is the will of the people that you propose to represent, and a democratically arrived at decision. Only those not wanting their party top survive and hoping to have it's place taken by UKIP, would do otherwise.
It takes a strong politician to make those decisions and see it thorough but anyone who felt that can't make the big decisions and achieve the change needed ought not go into politics at all, or if they do, stay as lobby fodder and not accept any higher position. (Or maybe become article writes and cause trouble ?)
The claim that it's inevitable Scotland will break away is the sort of fear story I'd hoped was no longer going to be put out now the referendum is done. It seems some article writers can't give it a rest.
Ireland too. There is no reason not to retain the common travel area and so (depending on withdrawal negotiations) change can be minimal. At best no noticeable change, at worst having to flash passports and pay tariffs of goods. Neither should cause a massive issue unless governments/politicians are determined to cause trouble.
Laws do not have to immediately be rewritten. Existing law that works can remain in place until one gets around to reviewing and improving it (as it many case we now, at last, can do).
I think this article writer is in fantasy land. And it isn't helpful.