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If Remain Had Won .....

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ToraToraTora | 19:24 Wed 29th Jun 2016 | News
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Would al; the brexiters be running around like headless chickens trying to find ways we could ignore a democratic decision by the people? I for one said before that I would accept it, yes I'd moan a bit but I would not be running round hysterically trying to reverse the decision. Remainiacs, you lost, get over it.


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What a country of snivelling, whinging, pathetic, cry baby jerks we seem to have become. Well, 48% of the country.
19:43 Wed 29th Jun 2016
Fact is TTT, if it had been 52/48 the other way, you would have totally supported Farage in his stance that there was 'unfinished business'.

Even more embarrassingly - you know the petition calling for a second referendum:

We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the remain or leave vote is less than 60% based a turnout less than 75% there should be another referendum.

It was created by a Brexit supporter a couple of weeks ago.

Seriously funny.
the more amusing thing is that there is good cause for such a measured secondary referendum - even allowing for who won an 'advisory' referendum - and that has conveniently been forgotten and especially with a close spread.
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SP:no I would not, I would have honoured the result as I said in your own thread on the subject. I am not UKIP but I am delighted that their activities have given us this vote and that we won it, had we lost I would have accepted it. I have not signed any petitions.
//It was created by a Brexit supporter a couple of weeks ago.//

Wrong. Created Nov 2015 and taken up June 24th 2016 by the Remainiacs.
By 8,000 Vatican City inhabitants. Haha.
That's not fair, togo. You've deliberately ignored the thousands of signees from Antartica.
Oh, and more support has flooded in from the Vatican. 40,000 last time I looked.
Perhaps we should leave the final decision to the Holy Father.
those bleddy Catholics, svejk, always a problem through history when it comes to bloc votes.
Retro...//I hope you do not consider me a 'gang member'. I resent that implication because I voted out.??//

If I wanted to single you out I would have done.

I can't comment about your opinion of youths as none of the ones I know fit your bill...
Wouldn't it be fun if there was a toggle switch on Answerbank for *Britain voted in/out
And you could switch at your leisure between the different posts depending on what had happened.
I haven't read the other comments. We would have been very upset - but not running around like headless chickens (every seen that, by the way? It's quite scary!) I suppose there might have ben a few newspaper and TV interviews and the odd protest march (extremists might have tried to make something of it at first) then we would have settled down, licked our wounds,regrouped, and waited for the opportunity when the EU shakes itself to pieces to try again.

We certainly would not have noisily thrown our toys out of the pram.

This probably horribly not apropos the latest links - but there you go....
Oh good grief! What a palaver! With all this spinning I’m surprised some of you aren’t even more dizzy than you appear to be!!
I certainly think I was very naive to assume that having got the result they wanted , those who voted to leave would lean back in their recliners - maybe pour a drink, play a few hands or cards or catch up on the reading they'd neglected in the lead up.

Safe in the knowledge that the future will be grand, once it is mapped out of course.

Instead they post thread after thread after thread.

Silly me.
If Remain had one, wouldn't we be into conspiracy theory territory, by now?

No, not you TTT, you'ce made your position clear in each of these threads. I do appreciate the artistic integrity of mimicking the number of threads which might have erupted if Leave had lost but it appears to not have gone down well. AB no doubt relishes the page view counts though. £-)

We seem to have lost quite a lot at the moment whereas, we all seem to be struggling to see anything that we've won.
//we all seem to be struggling to see anything that we've won. //

You may be but I'm not .... but I'm not holding my breath that common sense will prevail.
So come on then give us a few examples of what it is we've won.
You haven't won anything - and if you have you way you never will.
Now that's just dodging the question. I'm only asking for one example. Struggling aren't you?
I'm not struggling. I voted 'out'.

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