Looks Like Jezza Is Staying...... in The AnswerBank: News
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Looks Like Jezza Is Staying......

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ToraToraTora | 19:59 Tue 12th Jul 2016 | News
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Bazile. The simple truth is that Labour is in it's death throes. Blair realised that "Labour" policies didn't stand a chance of getting the public vote, so he just morphed into a sort of Tory-Lite. He won power and gradually became even more of a (sort of) Tory. His MPs loved him (as did the public for a while) and become clones of him. Meanwhile, the rank and file...
20:44 Tue 12th Jul 2016
Just common sense, so I'm surprised at the ruling.
He presumably still has to win the contest though.
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Blimey that's inflation for you.
£3 last time, £25 this time !.
tonyav - that's to stop all the poor tory supporters signing up , just to vote for Corbyn
In that case Bazile, Corblimey might not win this time ;-)
Eagle (like May) voted for the Iraq war. Corbyn voted against. We'd all have been much better off if he'd been in power back in 2003.
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Jezza will win hands down, again!
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Corbyn stands and wins
Labour party with or without a split
May says it is unfair to be PM without an election and
calls a snap election
sigh - i fear you may well be correct TTT.

It's not at all healthy in a democracy not to have a strong opposition to hold the incumbent party to task and have a chance of taking power .

I fear Corbyn is not that person to lead the opposition .
Why the members can't see that is baffling
// I fear Corbyn is not that person to lead the opposition .
Why the members can't see that is baffling//

other baffling recent events were people voting for Brexit and being in complete demial of the damage caused

or Boris late mayor of London carrying the country on Brexxit and then looking hurt and baffled when the crowd outside his house booed him

or Cameron getting booed at WImbledon

£25. still a bargain imo, such great value for money.
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A fair assessment from DB.
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The problem for labour is that Jezza represents the left leaning socialist worker type. The PLP represents mainly the Blairite Tory impressionists. potential Labour voters have seen through both. They'll inevitably disband and start again, possibly 2 new parties could emerge. In the mean time The Tories have it their own way. Good initially but I do acknowledge that a continual turkey shoot is not fun for long, we do need strong opposition.
Oh rise as the Phoenix from the ashes, one David Miliband, the man who should have taken the mantle.

Just as Chris Patten should have been leader when the young William stood and failed dismally.
Jeremy Corbyn is a puppet for the marxist wing of the labour party and is being propped up by "Red Len" McCluskey and his cronies.While these rules are in place no one will have a chance to oust Corbyn which means the PLP will be a festering group in the House of Commons and the formation of a new party will surely follow.
We need a functioning opposition and we do not have one.
This farcical Labour leadership election is a pointless exercise.
It will confirm that Corbyn has a majority of members' support, that we already know. And that the MPs preferred candidate will be humiliated.
But the MPs will still not abide by the result.
So back to square one.

A snap election by May would actually help resolve this. Labour MPs would have to be selected (or de-selected) in a hurry. Those de-selected would undoubtedly stand as Independents or as another party. Some would win, some would lose, but at least there would be two opposition parties that at least functioned.

If there is no election before 2020, a slow painful death looks likely. But a Government without opposition is dangerous.
//a Government without opposition is dangerous. //

Labour is so wrapped up in its own petty rules, regulations, squabbles and nonsensical out-dated and unwanted idealistic notions, that for them the concept of a role as a viable opposition to government can only be a delusion.
It's like watching a poorly-scripted comedy farce. Clearly, the inevitable conclusion is for the Labour Party to be miraculously thrown into government in a few years...

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