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Worst Excuse Ever?

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sp1814 | 07:01 Sat 23rd Jul 2016 | News
6 Answers
If the policeman who shot Charles Kinsey was actually aiming for the autistic patient, then why was he then handcuffed, and left bleeding on the pavement???



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GUN reform HAS to happen in US
Why would a Policeman shoot an autistic patient ? Its quite clear from the video, that the Police were informed that he was autistic and that he was playing with a toy truck. Neither him, nor the therapist presented any danger to the Police or public whatsoever.

It appears that the Officer has been placed on "administrative leave without pay" I am not exactly sure what that means in American English, but perhaps it means he is suspended.

If you look at the following CNN link, in the second small video clip, it appears that the local Authorities have now admitted the Policemans guilt, using words such as "totally violated his trust from the public that he protects and serves"
This has been posted on the original thread.
So he couldn't play with the toy truck.
I'm afraid the Americans (or an awful lot of them) value their constitution more than their lives.
Daft though the American gun laws are, this incident doesn't really have much to do with gun ownership. Its all about a particularly stupid Policeman, who can't tell the difference between a toy truck and a gun.

I have watched the video many times and all I can see is a bewildered man, sitting in the road, playing with a toy truck.

In addition to being stupid, I suggest that the Police Force have the Officers hearing checked out, as this was pointed out, very clearly, by the black man that was shot.

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Worst Excuse Ever?

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